My Best Mother

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  This is my mother.
  She is tall.
  She is not fat.
  Her hair is long.
  Her nose is small.
  Her ears are small too.
  But her eyes and mouth are big.
  She likes eating mangoes and bananas.
  She can’t swim, but she can jump high.
  I love my mother.
静静的夜里,年轻的妈妈抱着刚出生的宝宝,轻轻地摇着,温柔地唱着:我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。  渐渐地,宝宝长大了,他会淘气,他会乱跑,他推倒书架上的书,把妈妈的手表丢进马桶里冲掉。妈妈气得大叫受不了。可到了晚上,妈妈会悄悄地走到床邊,轻轻地摇着,温柔地唱着:我永远爱你……  这是献给母亲的经典绘本。在母亲节到来时,读读绘本,再和妈妈一起品味那些美好的亲子时刻吧。  A
face 臉  eye 眼睛
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