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   1. spread
   【考纲释义】 vt. & vi. 传播;伸展;展开
   【备考实例】 Papermaking began in China and from here it ________ to North Africa and Europe.
   A. grew B. carried
   C. spread D. developed
   2. satisfy
   【考纲释义】 vt. 满意;满足
   【备考实例】 Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ________his boss.
   A. serves B. satisfies
  C. promises D. supports
   【考点解析】句意“尼克在寻找另一份工作,因为他觉得他做的每件事都不能使他的老板满意。”satisfy sb 意为“令某人满意”。答案为B。
   【知识拓展】satisfy one’s need满足某人的需求 satisfy sb. 使某人满意satisfy sb. by doing sth. 通过做某事使某人满意be satisfied with 对……感到满意 to one’s satisfaction令人满意的是
   3. desire
   【考纲释义】n. 愿望;要求vt. 希望;请求
   【备考实例】 We desire that immediate help ________ to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.
   A. be given B. will be given C. should give D. is given
   【知识拓展】have a desire for / to do sth.渴望……;渴望做…… desire to do sth. 希望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 desire that… 希望……
   都含“需要或希望得到”的意思。desire属正式用语, 可代替wish 和want, 强调“主观愿望的热切性”, 含有“强烈希望做某事”的意思。wish语气比desire弱, 一般用于“难以实现或不可能实现的愿望”, 强调“主语的主观愿望”, 指“希望”、“愿”、“想”。want 多用于口语式普通场合, 指“想”、“要”或“需要”, 表示“较弱的偏爱、选择”或“强烈的需要、热爱”。
   4. trick
   【考纲释义】n. 诡计;欺骗 vt. 欺骗
   【备考实例】 The old man was tricked ________ all his savings by a young man.
   A. from B. out of C. into D. away from
   【考点解析】句意“这位老人被一个年轻人骗走了所有的储蓄。”trick sb. out of sth. 从某人处骗走某物。答案为B。
   【知识拓展】play tricks on sb.欺骗某人;作弄某人 trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事trick sb. out of sth. 从某人处骗走某物
   5. treat
   【考纲释义】n. 招待;请客 vt. 对待;款待;治疗
   — I’m afraid I can’t afford the ticket to the concert, so I won’t go with you.
  — Don’t worry. It’s my ________.
   A. pleasure B. treat C. business D. invitation
   【考点解析】句意“——我怕买不起音乐会的门票,我不和你去。——别担心。我请客。”be one’s treat 由某人请客。答案为B。
   【知识拓展】be one’s treat 由某人请客 treat sb. to sth 请某人吃(玩、看)…… treat sb. for 给某人治……病 treat sb. as把某人当作
   6. habit
   【考纲释义】 n. 习惯
   【备考实例】Many people are still in ________ habit of writing silly things in ________public places.
   A. the; theB. / ; / C. the; / D. / ; the
   【考点解析】句意“很多人依然有在公共场所胡乱涂写的习惯。”第一空为固定搭配 in the habit of doing sth.有做某事的习惯;第二空为搭配in public places 在公共场所。答案为C。
   【知识拓展】have a / the habit of有做……的习惯 be in the habit of doing 有做……的习惯 develop / form the habit of养成……的习惯get / fall into the habit of染上……的习惯
   【辨析】 habit指个人的“习惯“,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法;custom表示长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,属于某地区人们共同的生活及行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义。
   7. whisper
   【考纲释义】 n. 低语,小声 vi. & vt. 低声说
   【备考实例】 She said it ________, so I couldn’t hear.
   A. with a whisper B. in a whisper C. with whisper D. in whisper
   【考点解析】句意“她在低声说这件事,所以我无法听见。”考查搭配in a whisper 低语;私语。答案为B。
   【知识拓展】in a whisper / in whispers低语;私语
   whisper sb. to do sth. 低声告诉某人去做某事
   whisper in one’s ear 跟某人耳语
   1. dance to … 伴着……跳舞
   They danced to the music.他们随着音乐跳舞。
   I want to find a good song to dance to.我想找一首好听的歌曲来伴舞。
   【知识拓展】 sing to …伴着……唱歌 sing to the piano 钢琴伴唱
   2. have…in common有……共同之处
   We are good friends because we have many things in common.我们是好朋友,我们有许多共同之处。
   Birdsong may have more in common with human speech than we realize.鸟类唱歌和人类的语言之间很可能有我们所意想不到的共同之处。
   【知识拓展】 in common 共有 in common with与……相同
   3. turn…into使变成
   They are turning waste land into paddy fields.他们正在使荒地变为稻田。
   Water turns into ice when it freezes.天气极冷时水能结成冰。
   Many offices will turn into touchdown centers, where people will only occasionally call in. 许多办公室将成为由按钮控制的中心,人们只要偶尔到那儿去一下即可。
   【知识拓展】 turn off 关(自来水、电灯、收音机等) turn on拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机)
   turn out证明是……;结果是……
   turn over (使)翻过来;(使)翻倒, (使)打滚;交给, 移交
   turn to指向, 转向;求助于, 依赖
   turn up向上;向上翻;扭亮(灯火等);加快(速度等);露面;来到
   4. in trouble处于困境中
   She is in great trouble, so she needs your advice.她遇到了很大的困难,所以需要你的忠告。
   It’s unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble. 讥笑一个陷入困境的人是不仁慈的。
   【知识拓展】 ask / look for trouble自讨苦吃make trouble惹麻烦 get into trouble陷入困境
   get sb into trouble使某人陷入困境take the trouble to do不怕麻烦去做
   5. come across偶遇
   I came across one of my old friends in the street yesterday.昨天在街上, 我偶然遇到了一个老朋友。
   She came across some old letters in the course of her search. 她在找东西时偶然发现了一些过去的信。
   A very good idea came across his mind. 他的脑海里闪现出一个好主意。
   【知识拓展】come off脱落,分开come on (表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;开始,发生;进步,进展 come out发表,出版;出现,显露;结果是
   come through 经历……仍活着,安然渡过come up 走上前来;发生,出现
   6. believe in 相信 (……的存在);信任;认为(某事物)有价值
   Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?
   Some people believe in everlasting life after death.有些人相信死后可永生。
   I don’t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。
   I believe you. (I believe what you say.) 我相信你的话。
   【辨析】 believe意为“相信(某人的话 / 某事)”;believe in表示“相信(……的)存在;信仰;信赖”。试比较:
   I believe you. =I believe what you say.我相信你所说的话。
   I believe in you. =I trust you.我信任你。
   I believe him but I don’t believe in him. 我相信他的话,但不信任他的为人。
   7. set out 出发, 开始;着手;陈述
   She set out at dawn for town. 她日出时出发去镇上。
   They set out to cut the grass.他们开始割草。
   The boy set out his ideas in simple English. 这男孩用简单的英语陈述他的主意。
   【知识拓展】 set aside 留出;把……置于一旁,不理会
   set back推迟,延缓 set down记下,写下 set forth阐明,陈述set off 出发,启程;引起,激起
   set up 创立,建立;竖立,架起
   8. pass through 经过,穿过,经历
   The river passes through our land.这条河流经我们的国土。
   The road was so crowded that cars could not pass through.那条路十分拥挤,汽车难以通行。
My teenage son began hisfirst full time job workingas a busboy for a busylocal restalurant.
一、单词拼写    根据句意和首母或汉语提示,写出旬中所缺单词的完全形式。
一、重点单词    1、avoid  【考纲释义】vt.避免;防止;回避
1、had better  had better (not)就某事向某人提出建议或发表自己的观点。
一、重点句型解析    1. what引导的主语从句  【课文原句】 What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.   【经典考例】________ is known to us all is that the 2008 O
1、It’s useless trying to argue withShylock.(P67)
一、重点单词    1、deny  【考纲释义】vt.否认;不承认;拒绝给与
一、一般现在时    1. 在表示时间、条件的状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的概念。例如:  A senior officer said, “All the solders will have to rescues all the survivors, as soon as they arrive in the disaster areas. ”一位高级军官说, “全体战士一到达灾区,必须立刻开
A    An old lady clearly was standing on theside of the road.
Not so bad.不错。