弘扬“三超”精神 推进创先争优

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“超越权威、超越前人、超越自我”的“三超”精神,是大庆油田勘探开发研究院(以下简称研究院)科技人员在长期创新实践中形成的宝贵精神财富,是大庆精神、铁人精神的重要组成部分,它蕴涵着创先争优的根本特性,彰显了创先争优的时代要求,是研究院深入开展创先争优活动的精神动力。以创先争优引领科技人员,在确保油田持续稳产中彰显优势大庆作为一个已开发半个世纪的老油田,要实现稳产目标,向百年油田迈进,面临着“资源接替、稳产效益、发展空间”等重大难题,必须发挥科技的决定性作用。作为大庆 “Three super ” spirit of “exceeding authority, surpassing predecessors and surpassing ourselves” is a valuable spiritual fortune created by scientific and technological personnel of Daqing Oilfield Exploration and Development Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as Research Institute) in long-term innovative practice. Spirit and spirit of the iron man. It contains the fundamental characteristics of creating excellence and highlighting the requirements of the times in order to achieve excellence and excellence. It is also the spiritual impetus of the Institute to carry out the activity of creating excellence and excellence. To Lead Scientific and Technical Personnel by Creating First and Strive for the Right, and Demonstrate Advantages in Ensuring Continuous and Stable Oilfields As an old oilfield that has been developed for half a century, we must achieve the goal of steady production and move forward to the 100-year-old oilfield. We are faced with the problems of “resource replacement, steady production, Space ”and other major problems, we must play a decisive role of science and technology. As Daqing
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心理效应作用是指由于社会心理现象的心理规律的作用,使人在社会认识过程中,对人或事所持有的一些特殊的反应效果。    一、集体效应    许多学生从事某一件事的理由就是“其他人也都这么干的”。他们的种种见解、喜爱与厌恶一般都是受集体影响而形成的,这种心理反应效果就是集体效应。  教师应注重培养和发挥集体效应的有利作用,笔者认为具体做法主要有以下几种:  1.注意培养良好的课堂气氛  在课堂教学中教师