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在明末清初西学东渐和中学西传的第一波浪潮之后,晚清以来再度掀起了第二波通过翻译传播西学的热潮,在这一创建新文化的事业中,中文《圣经》翻译是一座重要的桥梁。20世纪下半叶,特别是在大陆“文革”时期失去了正常学术研究的环境下,同一时期的香港地区不仅成为中文《圣经》翻译的重心,也开始成为中文《圣经》翻译史研究的重镇。本文作者重点讨论了20世纪60年代至2000年间有关香港中文《圣经》翻译史研究的主要成果,指出围绕《圣经》中译史的研究,在20世纪下半期的香港形成了国内国外、教内教外、专门研究和学术普及之间的互动,构建了汉语基督教区域学术出版的聚集效应,并初步分析了中文《圣经》翻译史在香港形成研究高潮的原因。本文上篇主要讨论海恩波的《圣经与中华》与《道在神州》,以及贾保罗的《圣经汉译论文集》。 After the first wave of the gradual progress of Western learning in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the westward spread of secondary schools, the second wave of dissemination of Western learning through translation was once again launched in the late Qing dynasty. In this cause of creating a new culture, It is an important bridge. In the second half of the 20th century, especially in the context of the mainland’s “Cultural Revolution”, where normal academic research was lost, Hong Kong in the same period not only became the center of translation of the Bible, but also became the study of Chinese Bible translation history The town. The author focuses on the major achievements of the study on the translation history of the Bible in Hong Kong between 1960s and 2000s. He pointed out that in the study of the translation of the Bible in the Bible, in the second half of the 20th century, Hong Kong formed a series of studies both domestically and internationally. The interaction between special research and academic popularization, and the construction of the gathering effect of the academic publishing in the Chinese Christianity area, and the preliminary analysis of the reason why the translation history of the Bible has been formed in Hong Kong. The first part of this article mainly discusses Heinbo’s “Bible and China” and “Taoism in China”, and Jia Paul’s “Bible Chinese Translation Proceedings.”
【摘 要】 书法是我国优秀传统文化中最核心的文化,它具有长盛不衰的生命力。书法教育,不仅仅是一种技能的教习,更是一种文化修炼和精神的陶冶,几千年来,从识字开始,就用它来引导孩子,米字格、田字格、回空格、九空格、描红仿写……在练习书法的过程中去实践、体验、感悟,将规矩、内修、审美、养性、怡情融为一体,塑造学生高尚的人格魅力。继承和发扬这一国粹,推进素质教育的全面实施,学校必须加强书法教育,因为书法教
【摘 要】 教书育人,德教为先。小学德育教育是帮助小学生树立正确的人生观、世界观的重要教育体系。而小学语文课堂教学作为一门重要的基础学科,不仅具有工具性,且有很强的思想性。它是让学生学会用自己祖国和民族的思维方式、思想感情,承传自己祖国延绵不息文化的主渠道。  【关 键 词】 教书育人;德教为先;诚实惜时;团结友爱;审美情趣  小学语文教学内容健康,包含信息丰富,蕴含着丰富的人生哲理,有着基础教育
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