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  When I met Pablo at Bai Juyi Teahouse in Beibei, he was sipping tea with his friends.
  Coming from Argentina and currently serving as a foreign teacher at Southwest University, Pablo got himself a Chinese name--Pan Chutian, and he has lived in Chongqing for 8 years. Last October, the micro-film "Tao in the Eyes of Duniang" jointly created by Pan Chutian and Wang Qianyi, a student of Southwest University, was rated as one of the 10 top documentaries in the "2020 Looking China·Youth Film Project·Chongqing" event.
  "Tao in the Eyes of Duniang" is based on the true story of Sun Dehong, an ordinary rural woman, who grew up to be the proprietress of Qinghuandu, a high-end homestay.
  Sun Dehong made a living selling tofu pudding in her early years and opened her own farmhouse in Jinyun Mountain after years of hard work. To respond to the call of the local government to "build beautiful countryside", she transformed her traditional farmhouse into a high-end homestay named "Qinghuandu", helping her neighbors to become rich.
  The "Duniang" in the title refers of course to Sun Dehong, owner of Qinghuandu. But where does "Tao" come from   On this issue, what Pan Chutian said as a foreigner, actually hit the nail on the head: "This word is quite of Chinese style, with complicated meaning. As far as I’m concerned, "Tao" has two meanings, one is "road". And the other, I think, is related to "Yin and Yang" in Chinese traditional culture, full of philosophy. "
  Pan Chutian rolled up his sleeves and showed us his bracelet. This is a gift from his mother before he came to China, engraved with many Tai Chi patterns. "Yin and Yang, good and bad are constantly changing to form a complete round. This is the meaning of ’Tao’ in my eyes and the Chinese culture my mother perceives." said Pan Chutian.
  "Tao can be simply read as Duniang’s path of growth. Like Duniang, there are plenty of rural women in China who get better off through their hard work. "In the movie, Pan Chutian tried to explain the growth of Chinese rural women with his own understanding of "Tao" and "Yin & Yang". " ’Yin and Yang’ have been running through this movie,"
  interpreted Pan Chutian while playing the movie.
  When she first married her husband who lived in Jinyun Mountain, they could barely make ends meet and she had to work as a waitress in big cities. That difficult time was a sign of ’Yin". However, they are an affectionate couple. They support each other to earn money and support their family. Such happiness was a sign of "Yang".
  Afterwards, Duniang opened a farmhouse, welcoming visitors and seeing them off every day. Duniang’s tiredness was "Yin". Meanwhile, the couple worked hard to operate the farmhouse, winning praise from guests, which was a sign of "Yang".
  After the farmhouse with 40-odd rooms was changed into a homestay, with only 13 rooms left, the surrounding environment got better and better, and Duniang also had more time to enjoy rural life. Pan Chutian believed that from then on, Duniang’s life was full of"Yang".
  Whether his explanation makes sense or not, Sun Dehong was grinning from ear to ear watching the short video made about her. Every time asked about why she turned the farmhouse into a homestay, Duniang would recommend the"Tao in the Eyes of Duniang", saying "all my innermost thoughts and feelings are recorded in this movie."
  Pan Chutian’s shooting of "Tao in the Eyes of Duniang" was not a whim.
  Five years ago, Pan Chutian was led by his friends to Sun Dehong’s farmhouse for a bowl of tofu pudding. There, he met Duniang and witnessed the growth of Duniang and her Qinghuandu. Pan Chutian’s hometown Rosario is located in the center of Pampas grassland, which is a major soybean producing area. However, Pan Chutian had never seen tofu before coming to China. After living in Chongqing for 8 years, Pan Chutian fell in love with all kinds of bean products, such as jellied bean curd, tofu pudding, Mapo tofu, braised tofu, dried tofu, etc.
  "Without tofu, my girlfriend and I could not be together," said Pan Chutian, who is a keen lover of beef, while his girlfriend is a vegetarian. Fortunately, they have tofu to enjoy together.
在4月15日召开的重庆市脱贫攻坚表彰大会上,陈真勇所在的璧山区三合镇二郎村驻村工作队,荣获重庆市脱贫攻坚先进集体称号。作为驻村第一书记,陈真勇说这一荣誉为他们这几年的工作划了个圆满的句号。因为他马上就要和驻村扶贫工作队一起,离开扎根奋战了三年的二郎村,把工作的接力棒交给随后到来的乡村振兴工作队。  不知道届时会不会有一个仪式,但无论如何,从扶贫工作队到振兴工作队,这样的转换无疑是极具象征意义的。 
摘 要 《数学课程标准》提到:让不同的人在數学上得到不同的发展。由于不同的学生在智力、兴趣、爱好、能力等方面存在着明显差异,所以对同一种知识的接受能力自然有所不同,教师如果在教学中仍然采取“一碗水端平”的教学方法,势必会造成部分学生“吃不饱”,部分学生“吃不了”的现象,分层教学应运而生,它可以有效解决这个问题,使所有学生的潜能都得到最大化的发展。本文结合小学数学智慧课堂中分层教学的探究提出自己的拙
摘 要 物理课外活动是指学生在课余时间进行的以非教科书内容为主的有组织、有计划、有安排的物理学习活动,是物理课堂教学的必要补充和延伸。为更好地推动素质教育的深入开展, 通过课外实践探索活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,进一步培养现代中学生的实践能力和创新精神。才能发掘学生的个性和潜能,使学生在自愿、轻松、趣味的状态下主动地去分析和解决物理问题,从而逐步提高学生对物理知识的理解、掌握和运用的能力。  关键词