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  【摘 要】在我国的英语教学中,听说读写四种技能的培养提高中说的能力明显为薄弱环节。英语口语能力即英语交际能力,缺乏语言环境和学习环境是学习者面对的主要问题。如今使用教育类app的现象越来越得到学习者的关注,口语类app的种类相较于其他类别的较少,英语流利说是其中较为使用广泛的代表,因此笔者浅谈英语流利说在口语学习中的使用。
  Abstract:In our country English teaching contain the cultivation of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, speaking ability is obvious the weakest link. Spoken English skill also called English communication ability, lack of language environment and is a problem of learners. Now the phenomenon of use education app more and more get the attention of learners, the types of spoken English app compared with other types is less, "English Liulishuo" is one of the widely used in spoken English learning, so the author introduce this application and discuss the use of "EnglishLiulishuo" in spoken English learning.
  Key words:"EnglishLiulishuo"; Spoken English learning
  "English Liulishuo" is a fun and effective oral English learning application, which is a fusion of techniques used to evaluate the oral English teaching concept and cutting-edge speech spoken English learning application. let learners could not help but speak English, let learners get rid of "dumb English"!Daily push authentic American English dialogue, real-time voice score from silicon valley technology, addictive fun dialogue through games, allow learners to practice spoken English easily, "speak" without knowing it.
  2.The main benefits of "English Liulishuo"
  "EnglishLiulishuo" has many advantages:
  2.1 The content of the system arrangement
  We always want to improve oral English, but do not know where to start? "EnglishLiulishuo" pushes the daily for learners by a senior American spoken English expert system arrangement of authentic American English dialogue. As long as learners follow the practice every day, it can be in imperceptible in improve the spoken English, crack the difficulties of speak English.
  2.2 Personalized oral English teaching
  No teacher by side, the learners maybe don't know if I said well? "English Liulishuo" has built-in the latest speech evaluation technology from Silicon Valley, to grade your oral English in real time, so no networking identification. The "English Liulishuo" like an English teacher goes with the learner anytime, anywhere.
  2.3 New products experience
  The traditional way to learn is very boring, and hard to stick to."English Liulishuo" let the learners play stage mode game, and the same time practice oral English. While competing with classmates of integral, learning more advanced. Follow this mode practice spoken English can be so fun.   2.4 Innovative teaching methods
  The skills of Listening, vocabulary are pretty good, but the learners still cannot say aloud."English Liulishuo" innovative concept of oral English teaching, directly from the utility of the real scene dialogue, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and other skills improve, help the learners solve real parts in all kinds of actual dialogue scene said what topic, and how to say them.
  2.5 The practice time,
  Work or learning are too busy, the learners may no chunk of time to practice." English Liulishuo" special for the busy people to make, the content of the modular design, a few minutes to complete a practice, and be convenient for busy people, they can practice oral English at anytime and anywhere.
  2.6 Rich learning material:
  The conversation of " English Liulishuo" covering daily life, business, work, travel, entertainment, etc all kinds of scenarios and different ease, pay attention to the systemic and prestige. Whether you are a newbie on the road or senior English lovers, you can find suitable for their own interests and level of exercise materials.
  In simple terms, "English Liulishuo" includes these features, they are Intelligent voice grade, Interesting game, Native American culture, Professional team and Daily updates.
  Now, the "English Liulishuo" is helpful of improving the spoken English skill. On the list of the learners, which record the using time more than one or two hours a day, even continuous adhere to a month or more. Reality proved that through recruit and ratings to motivate users to challenge is still available, even if they face the oral practice. This application change the learners’ oral English learning situation that they can't speak English aloud, or no suitable practice object, or do not know their speaking English are right or wrong, good or bad, they were not given enough practice in speaking English. Although there still some shortages of "English Liulishuo", and about scoring mechanism is "accurate"or not also has a lot of controversy. But I think this application is very useful for learners in improving their spoken English, and more and more application will be occur and perfect ,I hope through these tools will help improve spoken English ability.
【摘 要】工业学科是上个世纪从美国传入我国的实用性非常强的学科,是融合管理科学与工程技术、工业设计的交叉型学科,对我国的工业发展与实际生活产生了巨大的影响,不仅推动了我国工业化的发展,同时还推动了我国经济的发展。但是我国高校工业学科在教学中依然存在着很多问题,本文针对高校工业学科教学现状中存在的问题提出了相应的解决措施。  【关键词】高校;工业学科;教学现状  工业学科是一门集技术、管理与设计于一
【摘 要】事业单位在我国社会发展体系中占据着重要的位置,成本核算作为事业单位运作中的一项重要工作,对促进各项活动开展的有效性具有重要作用。在新的市场经济体制下,如果提高事业单位成本核算的整体效果也成为了相关部门所面临的一项重大课题。鉴于此,本文首先对我国事业单位的特点进行介绍,并在总结成本核算必要性的基础上,探讨如何有效提高事业单位成本核算效果,以此来为日后事业单位的长足发展提供一定的参考依据。 
【摘 要】近十年,我国高等职业院校进入内涵式发展阶段,而探索有效的教学质量评价方法是其中的一项重要的工作。以此为基础,文章通过探讨高职院校教学质量方面存在的主要问题,着重对近十年教师教学评价方法进行研究,以达到提高教学质量的目的。  【关键词】高等职业教育;评价方法;教学质量  一、评价主体选择  对于评价主体存在三种认识,即:多维度评价、三维或二维度评价、单维度评价。不少研究者都认同应设计不同的
在高校的教育体系中,大学生的志愿服务是一种实践育人的重要的形式之一。大学生的志愿服务实践活动证明了高校的各种活动是实践育人的载体之一。而志愿服务对于大学生本人来说有着重要的价值内化的作用,是提高大学生综合能力的一种很重要的形式和途径。我们应该从高校培养人才价值的意义出发,寻求大学生志愿服务活动的长效发展。  一、有关大学生志愿服务实践活动的主要内涵  在一个社会中,志愿服务的有无、多少已经成为了衡
【摘 要】社会是一所大学,是也一座充满风险的宝藏。大学生走出校园参与到社会实践活动中去,可以亲身感受社会,奉献社会,培养能力,磨砺意志,提升品格。学校作为学生寻宝冒险的向导,在社会实践活动中能避免和减轻学生初初接触社会所受到的误导和伤害。社会实践活动对于大学生素质培养具有不可取代的重要作用。它是学生学以致用的试炼场,是沟通校园生活与社会生活的桥梁,对学生世界观,价值观,人生观的塑造具有推动作用。 
【摘 要】具有良好人格是大学生成长成才的重要基础,也是实现全面发展的重要前提。建设大学生人格培育档案,有助于帮助大学生树立档案和责任意识,督促学生加强自我激励、自我管理、自我反思能力,提高自身素质,促进自我发展、成才、成功。使学校学生管理工作规范化、制度化、人性化,提高了管理水平和教育教学质量,促使更好地发挥其参考、凭证、依据等功能。在日常工作中实施教育和引导,提供条件和保障,促使其养成健全人格,
【摘 要】班杜拉的社会学习理论是一种发展迅速、颇具影响、广为流传的学习理论,在教学和学习过程中得到广泛应用。但是作为一种经典的学习理论,在学习的过程中要辩证看待其优势与局限。  【关键词】班杜拉;社会学习理论;辩证批判  一、社会学习理论的优势  班杜拉的社会学习理论至今仍然得到广泛应用,是由于其理论本身具有的优势:  (一)社会学习理论强调人的行为是内部因素和外部影响相互作用的复杂产物,标志着学
【摘 要】艺术设计教育就是指将艺术与设计进行合理结合的一门学科,它是社会文明重要标志。设计源于创新,它是设计的灵魂,而思维是创新的基础,三者之间具有密切的关系。所以本文针对实际中高校的教学模式、艺术设计的实践教学以及艺术设计教师的素质等方面对创新思维进行了分析和研究。  【关键词】艺术设计;高校;教育;创新思维  为了适应我国市场经济的发展,艺术设计教育应运而生。由于艺术设计在我国产生的较晚,为了
【摘 要】交互式电子白板这些年以越来越高的频率出现在我们的生活学习中,本文通过介绍交互式白板的概念和特点,结合交互式白板的重要性,提出了如何更加高效的对于交互式电子白板的使用,以期为以后对于电子白板的研究者提供一定的研究价值。  【关键词】电子白板;内涵;优势  一、前言  交互式电子白板的出现,作为多媒体的补充和升华,使得教师能够克服因为计算机知识能力有限而不能很好的进行知识的教授,能够更好的关
【摘 要】学习型学校是在新型管理体制下,向学校下放管理权,重视教师和学生发挥主观能动性的学习,促进学校及师生整体的发展的新型学校。这种新型学校应在不同层面创建一种新的学校组织文化。  【关键词】学习型;组织文化;构建  一、学习型学校组织文化  学习型学校是在新型管理体制下,向学校下放管理权,重视教师和学生发挥主观能动性的学习,促进学校及师生整体的发展的新型学校。学校必须更新才能富有活力,才能更好