
来源 :现代企业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angel5tears
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银蛇狂舞辞旧岁,金马奔腾报春来。新世纪的第二个年头在人们的企盼中拉开了序幕。2002年,是中国正式加入世贸组织的第一年,也是我国全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放,全面参与国际竞争的新开端。在新的一年里,企业培训所处的內、外部环境发生重大变化,变革的需求将更为迫切,发展的空间将更为广阔,将以嶄新的姿态活跃于中国融入世界经济的舞台之上,上演出更为波澜壮阔的活剧。在新的一年里,企业培训将如何变革才能应对中国入世后带来的机遇和挑战?中国的就业形势将发生何种变化,在劳动力配置和培训方面国家将釆取何种政策?进入“WTO时代”,成人教育将出现哪些新的特点?带着这些广大读者关心的问题,记者采访了国家经贸委培训司、教育部职业与成人教育司、劳动和社会保障部培训就业司的有关领导同志,请他们从不同角度阐述了对形势的认识、工作思路和举措。尽管他们分管的工作领域不同,着眼点各异,但却表达出一个共同的声音:成人教育、企业培训必须与时俱进,乘势而上,才能在变革的时代中体现自身的价值,拓宽发展的空间,做到与时代同行,与世界同行。现将访谈內容整理刊出,供学习参考。 Silver Snake dance rehearsal of old age, Golden Horse Pentium reported spring. The second year of the new century kicked off the people’s hopes. In 2002, the first year of China’s formal accession to the WTO, it is also the new beginning of China’s comprehensive, multi-level and wide-area opening to the outside world and its full participation in the international competition. In the new year, there will be a major change in the internal and external environment for corporate training. The demand for change will become more urgent and the space for development will be even broader. It will play a brand new role in the stage where China is integrated into the world economy On stage, staged a more magnificent live drama. In the new year, how will the enterprise training change to cope with the opportunities and challenges brought by China’s accession to the WTO? What changes will China’s employment situation take? What policies the state will adopt regarding labor allocation and training? WTO era, adult education will appear with what new features? With these issues of concern to readers, the reporter interviewed the training department of the State Economic and Trade Commission, Vocational and Adult Education Ministry, Department of Labor and Social Security training and employment department of the leadership Comrades, asked them to explain the situation from different angles, work ideas and measures. Although they work in different fields and focus on different points, they express a common voice: adult education and enterprise training must advance with the times and take advantage of it to reflect their own values ​​and broaden their development in an era of change Space, do with the times counterparts, and the world counterparts. The interview will now be collated for reference.
我们拥有同一个地球,我们与世界同行。 2002年,中国入世元年。中国人民已义无反顾、昂首阔步地迈上与世界同行的道路。我们已向世界作出庄严承诺,任何一种势力也阻挡不住中