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活血化瘀是临床常用的传统治疗法则,在心脑血管病治疗方面独具优势,余用此法,灵活配伍运用,治疗心脑血管系统一些疑难病症,效果显著,现举验案介绍如下。一、配舒肝解郁治血瘀头痛于某,女,42岁,家属。1984年4月2日初诊,病人患血管性头痛10余年,平时病发服维生素B_1、去痛片治之。此次乃与家人生气诱发,每日皆作,痛不可遏,经检查排除器质性病变,邀余诊治。证见头痛连颠顶,痛如锥刺,时跳痛,伴精神抑郁,烦躁不寐,恶心嗳逆,舌红尖有瘀点,苔薄黄,脉细涩,诊为血瘀头痛,治宜活血化察,舒肝解郁,通络止痛。自拟化瘀疏肝饮化裁,方用:桃仁6克、红花6克、川芎10克、赤芍10克、当归12克、川牛膝10克、柴胡10克、黄芩12克、菊花12克、勾藤12克、权壳6克、半夏10克,每天1剂共服9剂,症状消失,服药期 Blood circulation is commonly used in clinical practice. It has unique advantages in the treatment of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases. This method is used in other methods, and it can be flexibly used to treat some difficult diseases of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system. The results are obvious. First, with Shugan Jieyu cure blood stasis headache in a female, 42 years old, family members. On April 2, 1984, the patient was diagnosed with vascular headache for more than 10 years. He usually took vitamin B_1 and pain relief tablets. This time it was evoked with family members, and it was done every day. It was extremely painful. After checking and eliminating organic diseases, it was inviting diagnosis and treatment. See the headache and even the top of the head, pain such as cone acupuncture, when the pain, with mental depression, irritability, nausea, disobedient, red tongue tips, thin yellow fur, pulse astringent, diagnosed with blood stasis headache, rule Should promote blood circulation, Shugan Jieyu, Tongluo pain. Self-made Huatan Shugan Decoction, used: 6 grams of peach kernel, 6 grams of safflower, Chuanxiong 10 grams, 10 grams of red peony root, angelica 12 grams, 10 grams of Sichuan Achyranthes, 10 grams of Bupleurum, 12 grams of Radix Astragali, 12 grams of chrysanthemum, 12 grams of Crassine, 6 grams of shell, Pinellia 10 grams, a total of 9 doses a day, symptoms disappeared, medication period
策展人:Olga Sviblova艺术家:“AES+F”:AES组合[阿萨马索娃(Tatyana Arzamasova)、艾弗佐维奇(Lev Evzovich)、斯弗雅茨基(Evgeny Svyatsky)]+弗里德克斯)、巴特纳夫(Andrey
越桔属(Vaccinium SPP)全属计约300种。印尼、马来半岛为分布中心,约有235种,我国约产65种,南北各地均有分布,以西南最多。该属大都为可供食用,并具商品开发价值的小浆果类
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Spinel (MgAl2O4) ultrafiltration membranes were prepared on porous α-Al2O3 plates via the sol-gel route. Mg-Al double alkoxide [MgAl2(iPrO)8] was first synthes
在新《草原法》开始实施 ,我国的草业发展又获新春的令人欣喜时刻 ,本刊出版了它的 10 0期。本刊创办于改革开放之初的 1981年 ,刊名为《国外畜牧学———草原与牧草》。当时