Fine mapping and marker-assisted selection (MAS) of a low glutelin content gene in rice

来源 :Cell Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liioopp123
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Rice with low glutelin content is suitable as functional food for patients affected with diabetes and kidney failure. The fine mapping of the gene(s) responsible for low glutelin content will provide information regarding the distribution of glutelin related genes in rice genome and will generate markers for the selection of low glutelin rice varieties. Following an SDS-PAGE screen of rice germplasm from Taihu Valley of China, Japonica selection W3660 is identified to be a novel mutant characterized with low glutelin content. For fine mapping the mutant gene for low glutelin content, F2 and F3 populations were derived from a cross between W3660 and Jingrennuo. SDS-PAGE analysis of the total endosperm protein showed that the low glutelin content trait was controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene. Genetic mapping, using SSRs, located this gene to chromosome 2, in the region between SSR2-001/SSR2-004 and RM1358. The dis- tances of the two markers to the target gene were 1.1 cM and 3.8 cM respectively. By semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis, the transcripts of GluB4/GluB5 genes located within the region do not change. However, GluB5 gene located proximal to SSR2-001/SSR2-004 was specifically reduced. SSR profiles of seven Japonica varieties were compared with that of W3660 for loci in the relevant genetic region. The markers SSR2-004 and RM1358 were used for marker- assisted selection. The selection efficiencies of SSR2-004 and RM1358 were 96.8% and 92.7% respectively. This provides a standard starting point for the breeding of low glutelin content rice varieties in China. The fine mapping of the gene (s) responsible for low glutelin content will provide information regarding the distribution of glutelin related genes in rice genome and will generate markers for the selection of low glutelin rice varieties. Following an SDS-PAGE screen of rice germplasm from Taihu Valley of China, Japonica selection W3660 identified as be a novel mutant characterized with low glutelin content. For fine mapping the mutant gene for low glutelin content , F2 and F3 populations were derived from a cross between W3660 and Jingrennuo. SDS-PAGE analysis of the total endosperm protein showed that the low glutelin content trait was controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene. Genetic mapping, using SSRs, located this gene to chromosome 2, in the region between SSR2-001 / SSR2-004 and RM1358. The dis- tances of the two markers to the target gene were 1.1 cM and 3.8 However, the GluB5 gene located proximal to SSR2-001 / SSR2-004 was specifically reduced. SSR profiles of seven Japonica The selected efficiencies of SSR2-004 and RM1358 were 96.8% and 92.7% respectively. This provides a standard starting point for the breeding of low glutelin content rice varieties in China.
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