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一年以来,人民解放軍、人民公安機關和公安部隊運循着毛主席和中央人民政府所指示的政策,和土匪、特務等反革命分子進行了堅決的鬥爭,並取得很大的勝利。在清剿土匪武装的工作上,一年来,在西北、西南、中南、華東等新解放區剿滅土匪近百萬人。解放最晚、匪患最嚴重的西南地區主要股匪已大部殲滅,上半年來殲匪四十餘萬名。中南各省大股土匪已基本肅清。湘西、湘南數十年来匪患不絕,現已基本澄清,廣東、廣西境内股匪已大部殲滅。華東地區除福建尚有成股的土匪活動,浙江部分地區尚有少數股匪流竄外,全境股匪已基本肅清。西北的甘肅股匪已基本肅清,寧夏、青海的股匪亦大部被殲;陕南賤匪則已竄據邊沿山地;在新疆叛亂的美帝國主義和國民黨匪幫的走狗烏斯滿、堯樂博斯、贾尼木汗等頑匪,經人民解放軍聯合各族人民予以堅决進剿後,到七月底亦已基本肅清,匪首之一的賈尼木汗並被我軍生擒。在肅清間業的工作上也獲得巨大的成績。一年来全國逮捕了特務分子一萬三千七百餘名,繳獲電台一百七十五部。另外,還破獲國際间諜案七 In the past year, the People’s Liberation Army, the people’s public security organs and the public security forces have followed the policy indicated by Chairman Mao and the Central People’s Government and staged a resolute struggle against bandits and spies and other counter-revolutionaries and won great victories. In the work of suppressing banditry, over a million people were exterminated in the newly liberated areas of Northwest, Southwest, Central South and East China in the past year alone. Most of the major bandit gangs in southwest China, where the liberation was most serious and the most serious bandit crisis occurred, were mostly annihilated. In the first half of the year, there were more than 400,000 fighters. Central and southern provinces have largely eliminated banditry. In western Hunan and southern Hunan, there have been no banditry for decades, and the basic explanation has now been made that the bandits in Guangdong and Guangxi have wiped out most of them. In addition to Fujian’s stalwarts of banditry in eastern Fujian Province, there are still a few minority bandits fleeing in parts of Zhejiang Province. The entire bandit gang has been basically eliminated. The gangsters in Gansu Province in the northwest have been basically eliminated, most of the gangsters in Ningxia and Qinghai have also been annihilated; the cheap Shaanxi gangsters have been channeling along the border mountains; the revolts of the U.S. imperialists and Kuomintang gangsters in the Uprising, Bosnian Khan and other gangsters have been basically eliminated by the end of July after they were resolutely suppressed by the People’s Liberation Army and the people of all ethnic groups. Some of the bandit chiefs, Jani Khan, were captured by our army. Great achievements have also been made in eliminating the work of industry. In the past year, more than 13,700 spies have been arrested in the country and 175 radio stations have been seized. In addition, also cracked the international espionage case seven
  目的 探讨正确实施健康教育及干预在高血压患者中的应用及效果。方法 在我院体检中心体检的人员中,选择符合入组本标准的患者200例随机分为两组,即观察组与对照组,观察组予
  目的 探讨认知行为疗法在改善脊柱软组织损伤患者急性期疼痛的效果。方法 选择脊柱软组织损伤急性期患者,按随机数字法随机分为实验组与对照组,每组90例。实验组在常规护理
英语教学课程的学习,不仅只是一门学科的学习,而且还是我国打开国门,迎接外国友人必须具备的一门语言,为了能够跟上时代发展的步伐,英语教学一直都在进行改革。英语学习是为了可以进行更好的交流与表达情感,新课程要求教师具备很强硬的英语功底,能够设计出符合学生学习的课程和方式。为了使新课程达到其预定的教学效果,必须加强对课程的革新,开发不同的思路,寻找更为合适的教学方法。  1. 目前初中英语教学的现状  
  目的 了解实施家庭医生式健康管理服务对航天职工2型糖尿病患者相关健康指标的干预达标情况。方法 以北京市某航天职工中已诊断2型糖尿病患者为研究对象。实施家庭医生式
  目的 分析高考学生体检中导致晕针的相关因素,实施有效的预防方法。方法 发现多种因素导致高考生体检时静脉采血中出现晕针现象,通过合理有效的预防措施减少了晕针现象的发
  目的 胆囊癌具有恶性程度高、难于早期诊断、治疗手段有限及预后不良等特点,相关研究进展缓慢。方法 使用RNA-Seq技术对5对配对胆囊癌和癌旁组织进行深度测序,全面获取胆囊