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思维是一种高级、复杂的认识话动,是人脑对客观事物进行的间接和概括的反映。人们的思维有一定的习惯,有一定的方向,而逆向思维就是不按习惯思维的方向进行思考,是从其反面进行思考的一种思维方式。逆向思维在数学解题中应用很广,主要表现在解题时,顺推不行,从正面直接不易解决,此时如果逆推或从反面来考虑,会使我们茅塞顿开,绝处逢生。本文现举例说明。 Thinking is a kind of advanced and complex cognitive movement. It is an indirect and general reflection of the human brain on objective things. People’s thinking has a certain habit and a certain direction. Reverse thinking is not thinking in the direction of customary thinking. It is a way of thinking from the opposite side of thinking. Reverse thinking is widely used in mathematics problem solving. It mainly shows that when solving problems, it cannot be pushed forward, and it is not easy to solve from the front. If we reversed or considered from the opposite side, we would make us suddenly and live out. This article is an illustration.
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