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当前,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,国有企业改革也进入到一个新的阶段,国有企业以建立现代企业制度为目标的改革已全面展开。近年来,我国的国有企业亏损面不断扩大,国有资产大量流失,国有企业效益逐年下降。其原因是多方面的,但国有企业的经营者也负有不可推卸的责任,许多国有企业经营者没有尽全力来经营和保护国有资产,不能从国家的利益出发,认真对待每项决策,一些人甚至用国家的大利益来换取个人的小利益。在我国经济发展中,国有企业经营者 At present, with the gradual establishment of China’s socialist market economic system, the reform of state-owned enterprises has entered a new stage. The reform of state-owned enterprises with the goal of establishing a modern enterprise system has been fully carried out. In recent years, the losses of state-owned enterprises in our country have continued to widen, and there has been a large loss of state-owned assets. The efficiency of state-owned enterprises has declined year by year. There are many reasons for this, but the operators of state-owned enterprises also have irresponsible responsibilities. Many state-owned enterprise operators do not make every effort to manage and protect state-owned assets. They cannot take the interests of the country and treat each decision seriously. People even use the big interests of the country in exchange for personal small interests. In the economic development of our country, state-owned enterprise operators
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让激情在心灵间绽放王 老 师 : 您 好 ! 在 这 个 乍 暖 还 寒 的 季 节 ,坐 在 南阳 西 南 边 陲 一 家 农 院 的 瓦 房 里 给 您 写 信 ,我的 心 情 像 这 里 的 空 气 一
1. wolf down /像狼一样吃东西,形容贪婪且而迅速地吃My mom told me for a thousand times not to wolf down the food when I蒺m eating, because it蒺s not good for the
农用车,向来不是人们视线的焦点。对于卡车,由于治理超载又使之成了明星。从支持“三农”的角度,有必要关注这个被冷落的角色。 Agricultural vehicles, has always been t