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  Tight-fitting T-shirts and hipster[低至臀部的] jeans would get even snugger[紧身的] if you could just spray them on. A liquid mixture developed by Imperial College London and a company called Fabrican lets you spray clothes directly onto your body, using
  aerosol[喷雾的] technology.
  After the spray dries, it creates a thin layer of fabric that can be peeled off, washed and reworn.
  “When I first began this project, I really wanted to make a futuristic[未来派的], seamless[无缝的], quick and comfortable material,” says Manel Torres, a Spanish fashion designer who worked with professor Paul Luckham to create the material.
  Spray-painting the body has been around for a while, but those are illusions[假象], tricks to deceive[欺骗] the eye. The spray-on fabric, in contrast, can be stored in your closet with other clothes. It consists of short fibers that are combined with polymers[聚合物] to bind them together and a solvent[溶剂] that delivers the fabric in liquid form. The solvent evaporates[蒸发] when the spray touches the surface.
  The spray-on fabric is pretty versatile[通用的]. It can be created in many colors and uses different types of fibers ranging from natural to synthetic[人造的]. The spray can be applied using a high-pressure spray gun or an aerosol can. The texture of the fabric changes according to the type of material and how the spray is layered on the body.
  Fabrican says the technology is not just for fashion but can have some innovative[创新的] uses in medicine to layer bandages[绷带] on the skin without disturbing the wound.
  The technology is still in prototype stage[试样阶段], and some kinks[设计缺陷] still need to be worked out, such as the strong smell of solvent around the fabric. The researchers believe that it will be at least a few years before it can be ready for commercial use[商业用途].
  Another challenge is to find a way to use the spray to create clothes that aren’t very snug. After all, with all the obesity[肥胖症] in America (and around the world as well), the sprayed-on look for clothes might not work for everyone.
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