
来源 :中国病原生物学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muyiwenwu
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目的掌握巢湖地区血吸虫病潜在流行因素的动态变化,为安徽省血吸虫病潜在流行区提供预警信息。方法在巢湖东南侧的巢湖市居巢区设立固定监测点和流动监测点,调查当地居民、流动人口及家畜的血吸虫感染情况;在危险地带和可疑环境开展钉螺分布情况调查;在通江河道开展钉螺扩散情况调查;采用螺笼放养法,对钉螺在巢湖孳生繁殖的可能性进行观察。结果间接血凝试验(IHA)检测当地居民301人,未发现血吸虫抗体阳性者;检测渔船民等流动人口321人,阳性12人,阳性率3.74%。12例IHA阳性者Kato-Katz法粪检阳性8例。采用塑料杯顶管孵化法分别检测当地及从疫区购进的家畜31头和32头,均未发现阳性家畜。危险地带调查面积32.6万m2,可疑环境调查面积13.94万m2,均未发现钉螺;钉螺扩散情况调查未发现漂浮物携带钉螺,但发现有其他螺类附着在漂浮物上从流行区向巢湖扩散。螺笼放养试验表明,钉螺不但可以在巢湖生存,而且可以产卵繁殖。结论巢湖地区已发现输入性传染源;外源性钉螺向巢湖扩散输入的可能性较大。加强对输入性传染源的监测与管理,防止钉螺向巢湖扩散,是今后安徽省血吸虫病潜在流行区防控工作的重点。 Objective To grasp the dynamic changes of the potential epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in Chaohu Lake and provide early warning information for the potential epidemic area of ​​schistosomiasis in Anhui Province. Methods The monitoring sites and monitoring points were established in Juchao District, Chaohu City on the southeast of Chaohu Lake to investigate the prevalence of schistosomiasis among local residents, floating population and domestic animals. The snail distribution survey was conducted in dangerous areas and suspicious environments. Investigation of the proliferation of snails; using the method of spiral cage stocking, the possibility of breeding snails in Chaohu Lake was observed. Results The indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) detected 301 local residents and no schistosome antibody was found. 321 migrants, including 12 fishing boats, were detected. The positive rate was 3.74%. 12 cases of IHA positive Kato-Katz method fecal positive in 8 cases. Plastic cup top tube hatching method was used to detect the local and purchased from the epidemic area of ​​31 and 32 domestic animals, were found no positive livestock. No investigation of Oncomelania was found in dangerous area with an area of ​​326,000 m2 and 139,400 m2 of suspicious environment were surveyed. There was no floating species carrying Oncomelania found in the investigation of the spread of Oncomelania, but other snails were found attached to the floats and spread from the prevailing area to Chaohu. Spirulina stocking test shows that snail can not only survive in Chaohu Lake, but also oviposit. Conclusion The source of imported infectious agents has been found in Chaohu Lake. The possibility of exogenous snails feeding into Chaohu Lake is more likely. Strengthening the monitoring and management of imported sexually transmitted infections and preventing the snail from spreading to Chaohu Lake will be the focus of prevention and control of the potential epidemic area of ​​schistosomiasis in Anhui Province in the future.
目的:观察药物在人工流产术中的镇痛效果及对手术出血量、手术时间的影响,人流综合症的发生情况. 方法:选择曲马多缓释胶囊及路盖克两种药于人工流产术前30分钟口服,与不
目的:观察小儿致病性大肠杆的肠炎的临床特点. 方法:对306例肠炎患儿进行了血常规、尿常规、大便常规、大便细菌培养+药敏. 结果:致病性大肠杆菌肠炎占肠炎总数的25.2%.
目的 了解常见市售鲜活海产品沙门氏菌污染情况及不同菌株间遗传相似性,为沙门氏菌的流行病学研究提供有价值的信息.方法 采集市售常见海鱼、贝类和蟹等海产品,按照常规方法