Enjoying Teaching English as a Second Language

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  [Abstract]In China, many teachers of English feel that teaching English is an extremely difficult business. Many of them felt distressed, unmotivated after several failures in teaching English. This phenomenon becomes a big headache for teachers, students and their parents. Many researches have been taken in this field, My main concern is the teaching profession, and the students are specifically those studying English as a second language. The aim is to help we English teacher establish the appropriate attitude and provide more effective methods and techniques to enjoy our teaching profession.
  [Key words]ESL Teaching
  1 Introduction
   In China, many teachers of English feel that teaching English is an extremely difficult business. Many of them felt distressed, unmotivated after several failures in teaching English. To help students improve their English, teachers have tried different methods. These include giving the students tutorial after school, adjusting the difficult levels of teaching content in class, adapting the teaching materials, arranging group learning, or encouraging them to do more leisure reading. But the result was not rewarding and some negative responses have appeared. This phenomenon becomes a big headache for teachers, students and their parents. This article is trying to find solutions to help English teacher establish the appropriate attitude and provide more effective methods and techniques to enjoy teaching profession.
  2 possible solutions
  2.1 The key to enjoy the profession
   Teaching is not only a job, it is not something you have to do to earn a living; teaching is a profession, something you enjoy doing to make your life more meaningful; teaching should not be daily routine work, it is your life career. You are likely to forget the difference between in and out of the classroom. It is something you need to open to changes because they may lead to improvement in teaching.
  2.2 Attitude Determines (ZhouYan, 2009)
   A good teacher teaches; a better teacher explains; the best teacher inspires. Teaching is an occupation requiring advanced education and training, and involving intellectual skills. It sets a high demand on the people who engage in the field.
  2.3 Methods count
   Research has indicated that many traditional language-teaching techniques are extremely inefficient. (Lightbown, 1990) However, today a broad consensus of SLA (second language acquisition)scholars acknowledge that formal instruction can help in language learning.
   2.3.1 Interaction
   Many countries, but especially China have far more people studying English than native English speaking residents they could practice with. This can leave students with good writing and comprehension skills unable to bring their spoken English up to the same level. People in this situation are said to be users of "Mute English". Here I emphasis classroom interaction. we all know before class, we need to prepare for the lesson. And do adequate work concerning the content of that lesson. But more often what we ignore is the target-our students. We have to spend time exploring what they know and what they don’t know, which makes much portion of a teacher’s knowledge other than academic ones. We must be aware of this and make relevant arrangement, decision and adjustment while instructing in class.
   2.3.2 motivation
   Some researches has shown that motivation correlates strongly with proficiency, indicating both that successful learners are motivated and that success improves motivation. Thus motivation is not fixed, but is strongly affected by feedback from the environment. Accordingly, the study of motivation in SLA has also examined many of the external factors, such as the effect of instructional techniques on motivation. On this point, we teachers have to pay more attention to the students’ responses, make eye contact with them and listen to them.
   2.3.3 Blended learning
   Blended learning combines face-to-face teaching with distance education, frequently electronic, either computer-based or web-based. It has been a major growth point in the ELT (English language teaching) industry over the last ten years.
  2.4 Techniques matter
   As we mentioned above, being teachers of EFL, being good at English is not sufficient, we also need to take into account crucial factors such as classroom atmosphere, classroom management, tolerance, patience, passion, and other aspects. Teaching techniques and language competency go hand in hand in enhancing teacher effectiveness in the classroom.
  Good English instructors are those who remain distinctly conscious of their covert attitudes toward their students’ efforts to learn English and the impact of those attitudes upon the success of their learning experience.
  Designing an effective lesson plan is essential to successful teaching. Designing a lesson plan that is tailored to the needs and abilities of their students.
   Teaching for mastery. It includes creative use of a variety of teaching styles, helping the eye-minded, ear-minded students and those who need explanation as well as those who learn best by developing their own generalizations, and those who are hesitant to express themselves for fear of looking foolish as well as those who are eager to express themselves and those who are unmindful of errors.
  2.5 classromm atmosphere
   Learning is best achieved when students are in a caring, welcoming, non-intimidating learning environment. Classrooms are extremely complex places where teachers have to make moment-by-moment decisions to translate a plan into action while attempting to maintain a friendly, constructive atmosphere. A friendly atmosphere must be the major characteristic of the classroom. Students need to be shown that the teacher cares about what they are going through and is doing his or her best to help them learn effectively while developing proficiency levels. Learners after all need a rich and safe learning environment that is exciting, engaging, and allows learners to take risk so they are free to express themselves openly, without fear of being embarrassed in front of their peers when they are corrected.
  Bear in mind that the classroom atmosphere is affected by the teacher’s attitude and behavior. Students need to feel encouraged to use whatever they have learned and recognize that their efforts are appreciated. Classroom is a place where mistakes are tolerated.
   Make it clear that each individual member of the class deserves attention, whatever his or her level of achievement. students should receive an equal opportunity to participate and receive adequate feedback on their performance. The advantage of doing so is to show students how they are performing and to increase their motivation through praise.
  When you label yourself a teacher, you must be knowledgeable in your subject. If the students know that you are not confident, the respect for you will diminish. To be a more effective instructor, English teacher should continuously seek all sources that inform them of issues confronting the realm of second language accusation.
   A good English instructor should maintain classroom dynamics, excitement, and a sense of fun. In other words, Students can see the passion of their instructors toward the presented materials, which gives them a reason to become motivated.
  3 Conclusion
   To sum up, “A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on a cold iron.”(Horace Mann, 1868) The complexity of the English as a foreign or a second language requires a qualified teacher and an adequate classroom environment.
   Good teachers focus on students other than textbooks, they are competent, effective in teaching, caring, reflective professionals and educators. Apart from that, they must be conscious of the difference between the first language acquisition and the second language acquisition. Thus, adopt the appropriate methodology and the foolproof method in the classroom.
  Being teachers, every one of us should introspect our own performance. Other than the above mentioned factors, we can also amaze the students by listening to our students, being a model, smiling, being creative, and remember that appreciation is an elixir of life. It helps the students improve their performance. Always follow what we teach and preach. With careful consideration and keeping the student’s needs and abilities in mind, an ESL teacher can progress from novice teacher to skilled ESL educator and enjoy the profession.
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