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   青春期是人体迅速生长发育的关键时期,也是儿童逐渐发育成为成年人的过渡期。这是一个很敏感的时期,无论是外在还是内在。这个时期的少男少女们对自身的外表总是特别在意,不自觉地和他人进行比较。受外界的影响,不少女生对成长的期望总是-变成一个性感的女性。但其实,我们是不是一定要性感?怎样才算是性感?小编认为,你不必性感,但你一定要做自己,活出自己的个性,用知识充实自己。毕竟“Smart is a new sexy.”。
   阿德里亚娜·利马(Adriana Lima):巴西名模,是维多利亚的秘密品牌内衣签约时间最长的模特,曾经被媒体选为世界上最性感女人之一。
   查宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum):美国电影演员,好莱坞性感男神,2012年被《人物》杂志评为年度最性感男士,代表作有《舞出我人生》《特种部队》《龙虎少年队》《魔力麦克》。其中《魔力麦克》更是以查宁·塔图姆的真实人生经历改编而成,讲述了“魔力麦克”训练另一名年轻脱衣舞男(塔图姆)的故事。
   Two months ago, I was 26 pounds heavier. My clothing size was always an XL and the 1)sales associate was widely 2)amused when I asked for a jacket that would fit me.    When I used to imagine being skinny (I will never be truly “skinny” because I have the body type of a viking注1), everything seemed wonderful: I would look in the mirror and feel like a goddess (the one with the superpowers, not the 50 Shades注2 kind), people on the streets would throw all types of roses when I walked by, I would be the winner on the next season of America’s Next Top Model.
   But mostly, I just wanted to experience something I never had before. I wanted to feel sexy.
   And hey, just to 3)clarify: Sexy for myself. I didn’t work hard to lose weight only so a couple of bored (and boring) guys could yell 4)nasty stuff at me on the streets, I did it for me; I was the one who wanted to feel sexy, to look at myself in the mirror and say “Damn, girl!” But it wasn’t, and as hard as I try, it isn’t happening...
   I bought expensive Victoria’s Secret 5)glittering bras only to look at them weeks later and think “what the hell am I going to do with this”, then listed them on eBay but of course, no one will want to buy your used bra. And I should also admit that I LOVE 6)granny panties. They are comfortable, and that is all you need when it comes to underwear. Go home, 7)thongs; you’re ugly and no one likes you.
   I remembered sexy ladies wear a lot of red. Red on the lips, nails, and on their clothes. So I tried: red lipstick makes me look like an unfunny clown; red nails leave marks all over my notebooks, so my essays look like a murder scene. The red dress I bought looks good on anyone except me, it’s my 8)pilates instructor’s next birthday gift—seriously, she asked for it.
   High heels are also supposed to make a girl feel great. But I’m 5’10” tall, shoe size 11, and have zero 9)tolerance to pain; high heels to me are basically a 10)torture instrument.
   Another thing I tried was 11)Zumba classes, because I noticed they move their hips a lot (another belief about sexiness: hips are sexy. Thanks, Shakira!). It definitely is fun, but nope, not making it happen. It was a bunch of 40-year-old ladies who wear 12)tank tops in winter and look awesome, whereas I am sweaty and my face looks 13)pomegrante red.
   As a last resort, I tried to copy those who I thought were sexy. So I watched lots of Beyonce videos and went through life as if I had the best butt in the neighborhood. But truth be told, I don’t, and I can’t even pretend I do.
   I stopped for a second and thought: what’s being sexy?    Dictionary.com states: “Sexually interesting or exciting. 14)Radiating 15)sexuality” Do I want to radiate sexuality? And it’s weird, don’t you think, to “radiate sexuality?” I can only picture a microwave in 16)lingerie, saying things like “let’s spend the night together, you 17)stud”. Do I want to be a weirdly sexual microwave? Absolutely not.
   Then, I turned to the more familiar and honest UrbanDictionary: “Sexy is used to describe someone who you think is amazingly attractive and you want in their pants”—Channing Tatum. But to be honest, I don’t like the idea of anyone just “wanting in my pants”—god, what a horrible expression. I want someone who would sing Sara Bareilles注3 songs to me, massage my back when it hurts (which, for your information, is everyday, all the time, always), and love 18)froyo as much as I do.
   But in the end, I understood: I don’t need to become sexy. And neither does anybody.
   Sexy is 19)subjective: sexy can be Adriana Lima or me, after 12 weeks of not shaving my legs (winter). Sexy is make up and no make up, actress and 20)barista, Magic Mike and Storage Wars注4.
   Why should I change my ways to “feel sexy”? Instead, I’m gonna work hard towards a concept that NEEDS to change: We need more plus sized models, more scared of sexiness Liz Lemons注5, more Amy Schumers注6 reminding us that butts are not so important and#girlyoudontneedmakeup. We need to understand that things can and will be different than how we 21)conceive them. Please.
   So ultimately, I may not be what the Entourage注7 crew—haven’t even watched that show but I can already smell the 22)sexism—would think is “hot, dude!”, but I am a smart, strong, funny lady and if that isn’t sexy, well, to hell with it.
   注2:50 Shades 即Fifty Shades of Grey,《五十度灰》,环球影业出品的重口味性虐爱情片,改编自英国女性作家EL·詹姆丝的同名小说。
   注3:莎拉·巴莱勒斯(Sara Bareilles),创作歌手和钢琴家。
   注4:《存储大战》(Storage Wars),A
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一、a還是an   不定冠词有a 和 an两种形式其区别是:a 用于辅音音素前,an 用于元音音素前:   a dog 一条狗   a dictionary 一本词典   a student 一个学生   an egg 一只鸡蛋   an elephant 一只大象   an island 一个岛   【说明】   有些以元音字母开头的单词,由于它不是以元音开头,其前仍用a:  
一枝紅艳露凝香,  云雨巫山枉断肠。  借问汉宫谁得似,  可怜飞燕倚新妆。  There’s a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom,  And a mist, through the heart, from the magical Hill of Wu.  The palaces of China have never know