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我科于1990年1月至1993年9月期间,对70例小儿肺炎中的18例使用莨菪碱治疗,疗效较好,现报告如下。一般资料,本组小儿肺炎70例,18例为东莨菪碱治疗组,其余52例为对照组,见表1。 治疗方法 70例患儿常规综合治疗,包括抗炎、解痉、吸氧、保持上呼吸道通畅、补液等。治疗组18例另加东茛菪碱,按每次0.02~0.04mg/kg加入10%GS50~100ml中静滴,每天用药1~2次,用药1~3天。本组病例最少用药1次,最多用药8次。疗效观察 治疗组的平喘、罗音吸收天数以及平均住院天数均优于对照组,经统计学处理有显著差异 Our department from January 1990 to September 1993 period, 70 cases of pneumonia in 70 cases of scopolamine treatment, the effect is better, are as follows. General information, the group of 70 children with pneumonia, 18 cases of scopolamine treatment group, and the remaining 52 cases as a control group, see Table 1. Treatment 70 cases of children with conventional comprehensive treatment, including anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, oxygen, keep the upper airway patency, rehydration and so on. Treatment group, 18 cases plus scopolamine, 0.02 ~ 0.04mg / kg each time by adding 10% GS50 ~ 100ml intravenous infusion of 1 to 2 times a day for 1 to 3 days. This group of patients medication at least 1, up to 8 times medication. Therapeutic effect of the treatment group, asthma, rales absorption days and the average length of stay were better than the control group, statistically significant difference
1996年 ,张玉国同志担任了天镇县信用联社总稽核。熟悉张玉国同志的人都知道 ,他身上常携带着一个笔记本 ,在笔记本的首页上 ,有他自己书写的一句话 :“慎思守志除弊事 ,留得清廉
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在淘金时代最卖钱的是铁锹和镐头, 在新经济时代最赚钱的是非凡的眼光 In the gold rush era is the most expensive shovels and pickaxe, the most profitable in the new
我科试用硝苯吡啶佐治36例小儿肺炎,并与同期常规治疗的32例进行对照观察,疗效满意。现报告如下。临床资料 治疗组36例,男19例,女17例。年龄5月~2(8/12)岁,平均1(7/12)岁。其
李永琦是天津市机关行政管理局所属天津迎宾馆的特一级厨师。他自 1 956年参加工作以来 ,刻苦钻研中、西餐的烹调技术 ,经过几十年不懈努力 ,不仅使传统的烹饪技艺得到了继承