Direct detection of oxygen free radicals produced in theviscera of burned rats using electron parama

来源 :中华创伤杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hgjiao
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Objective: To detect superoxide anion (O-2) signalsin the heart, liver, lung and kidney tissues after bs.Methods: Twenty-four male rats were randomizedinto 4 groups. The rats of experimental groups wereimmersed in 100℃ water for 15 seconds and 25% third-degree b was created. Thoracotomy or laparotomy wasperformed at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes after b, andspecimens of the heart, lung, liver kidney were obtained forbed rats. The specimens were then preserved in liquidnitrogen for cryo-preservation and detected immediatelyusing EPR.Results: The signals of superoxide O radicalappeared in the heart, lung, liver and kidney specimens10-15 minutes after b.Conclusions: There is a direct evidence of oxygen freeradicals (OFRs) injury to viscera of bed rats between10-15 minutes after b.
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