
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs_200901
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去年3月份以来,宜阳县地税局韩城税所采取严管重罚与优质服务相结合的办法,对豫西第一大牛肉市场韩城牛肉市场进行了整顿.收到显著效果.目前该所月均征收屠宰税10万余元.他们的主要做法是:严管重罚:一是选派具有丰富基层工作经验的老税干担任所长.二是抓内部思想教育“正人先正己”,制订屠宰税管理“四不准”,即:不准有畏难情绪;不准收税不开票;不准一票多用变相减免税;不准割肉不付钱或少付钱.三是抓外部宣传,组织宣传车,巡回各村宣传,召开屠宰户会议、走访村干部和群众听取建议.四是加大检查力度.实行昼夜“巡逻”检查制度.五是抓典型,处罚公开.对偷税的业户,实行重罚,并将处罚情况连同税票、罚款收据张贴闹市.予以公开曝光.狠刹偷税势头,据统计该所两个月时间共曝光处理70余起(其中一户被连续处罚三次).六是全面落实举报奖励制度,凡举报有功的除按规定比例提取奖金外.另给每起奖励100—200元.七是向乡 Since March last year, Yiyang County Local Taxation Bureau Hancheng tax to take stringent heavy penalties combined with quality service approach, the largest beef market in western Henan Hancheng beef market rectification has received significant results. The monthly slaughtering tax was levied at more than 100,000 yuan. Their main approach is: Severe heavy penalties: First, the old tax cadres with rich experience in grassroots work as director of the second is to grasp the internal ideological education “is your own initiative, Formulation of slaughtering tax management, ”Four are not allowed“, that is: not allowed to fear the mood; not allowed to tax not invoice; not allowed a vote with more disguised tax relief; not flesh not pay or pay less. Organize propaganda vehicles, tour villages to propagandize, hold slaughterhouse meetings, visit village cadres and the masses to listen to suggestions .Fourth, intensify the inspection efforts, and implement a day and night ”patrol" inspection system. According to the statistics, the institute handled more than 70 exposures in a matter of two months (one of them was continuously punished three times in a row) Sixth, we will fully implement the reporting reward system, Where the reporting of meritorious addition to the required proportion in accordance with the provisions of the bonus other give each reward 100-200 yuan.
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