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改革开放以来,我国的经济迅速发展,人民生活水平显著提高。书画市场也开始启动,书画作品已经走出了书斋画室,进入流通领域,完全转变为商品。虽然,书画主要功能仍是观赏、收藏,但人们看中它的更是具有保值、增值的潜力。 书画作为商品流通,确有其自身的复杂因素和特殊规委,不象其它消耗商品那样留存时间很短,由于书画鉴别的复杂性(真伪作品都具有观赏性),又非消耗性,所以使数以万计真伪、优劣的古代、近现代书画作品同时流传于今。再加上近十年来书画一直比较热销,当代书画家的作品行情看好,价值便宜的书画市场也很大。由于名家与非名家的作品价格相差许多倍,在利益的驱使下,造假窝点的名家赝品以及伪书画家的劣质作品大量出现,使 Since the reform and opening up, China’s economy has developed rapidly, and people’s living standards have risen significantly. Painting and calligraphy market has also begun to start, calligraphy and painting works have been out of the studio studio, into the circulation, completely transformed into commodities. Although the main function of calligraphy and painting is still to watch and collect, people pay more attention to it and have the potential of preserving and increasing value. As a commodity circulation, painting and calligraphy does have its own complicated factors and special regulations. It does not have a short retention time as other consumable products. Due to the complexity of the identification of calligraphy and paintings (both authentic and counterfeit works are ornamental) and non-expendable So that thousands of authenticity, merits and demerits of ancient, modern paintings at the same time handed down today. Coupled with the recent ten years has been more popular calligraphy and painting, works of contemporary calligraphers optimistic about the market, cheap painting and calligraphy market is also great. Due to the fact that the prices of works by famous and non-famous artists are many times different, under the drive of interest, a large number of inferior works of counterfeiters and counterfeiters at counterfeit dens appear massively
本例畸胎母,20岁,农业,第二胎是1993年11月2日用利凡诺引产下的女胎.1 胎龄6个月.实测身长230 mm;头围150 mm;胸围270 mm;胎盘直径约10X10cm;脐带长30cm,直径约1cm.2 异常情
冶金工业出版社 2 0 0 1年 8月出版的新书《铂族金属矿冶学》 (刘时杰编著 ) ,是一本全面论述铂族金属地质矿产和提取冶金学科领域相关知识的专著。全书 4 2万字 ,分为 1 2章