超越生活的艺术升华 钟纪明山水画艺术赏析

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钟纪明祖藉四川自贡,1945年生于成都。中国美术家协会理事;重庆市美术家协会副主席兼秘书长;重庆国画院艺委会委员;人民日报神州书画院理事、特邀画师;重庆嘉陵江书画院院长;渝州画院名誉院长;高级编辑(一级美术师);享受国务院政府津贴专家。幼承家学,酷爱丹青。毕业于四川美术学院。长期系统研习中国传统绘画,擅长中国画山水画,尤以巴渝风情和西南民居吊脚楼题材的作品著称,在国内外产生广泛影响。作品曾多次入选全国美展,并应邀数度赴日本、法国、美国、新加坡、加拿大等国展出及获奖。中国画《清溪放筏》获加拿大枫叶杯国际水墨画大展特别优秀奖;《乡渡》获世界华人书画展铜奖;《华蓥山下》获全国新闻界书画家邀请展优秀作品奖(唯一奖项);《古镇寻幽》为第二届全国山水画展特邀作品;《渝南秋景》参加中国国家博物馆举办的《全国书画名家作品邀请展》;《山城晨曲》参加《庆祝建党85周年全国美术作品展》;《赤水河畔》应邀参加《庆祝中国工农红军长征胜利70周年全国书画名家作品邀请展》;《巴山灵秀图》应邀参加《庆祝第三届东盟博览会全国名家书画展》。1996年在北京中国美术馆举办个人画展。作品被中国国家博物馆、中国美术馆、荣宝斋、广州博雅斋、重庆博物馆、四川美术馆、香港集古斋以及法国、日本和新加坡等国的博物馆、画廊收藏。多年来,应邀为中南海、国务院北戴河宾馆(总理候见厅)、中央军委办公厅和京西宾馆创作大幅山水画作品。人民日报、经济日报、光明日报、中央电视台、《美术》杂志、中国书画报、美术报以及法国、日本、巴西等国的报纸和电视台作了新闻报道和专题评论。 Zhong Ji Ming Zu by Sichuan Zigong, born in 1945 in Chengdu. China Artist Association; vice chairman and secretary general of Chongqing Artists Association; member of Arts Committee of Chongqing Traditional Chinese Painting Institute; member of Shenzhou Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Renmin Ribao; invited painter; president of Chongqing Jialing River Painting and Calligraphy Institute; honorary president of Yuzhou Art Academy; Senior Editor (an artist); enjoy the State Council allowance experts. Young Cheng Jiaoxue, love Danqing. Graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. Long-term systematic study of traditional Chinese painting, good at Chinese landscape painting, especially in the style of Bayu and Southwest dwelling stilts famous works, have a broad impact at home and abroad. His works have been enrolled in many national art exhibitions for many times and he has been invited to Japan for exhibitions and awards to Japan, France, the United States, Singapore, Canada and other countries for several times. The Chinese painting “The Rafting of the Stream in Qingxi” won the Extraordinary Excellence Prize of the Canadian Maple Leaf Cup International Ink Painting Exhibition; the “Country Ferry” won the bronze medal of the World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition; the “Huatanxia” won the Excellent Prize of Invitation Exhibition by the Chinese Journalists’ Painters ); “Ancient Town Xunyou” is the second national landscape exhibition invited works; “Autumn in South” to participate in the National Museum of China held the “National Calligraphy and Painting Famous Artists Invitational Exhibition”; “Mountain City Albatron” to participate in the celebration of the 85th anniversary of founding Art Exhibition “;” Chishui River “was invited to participate in the” celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army National Calligraphy and Painting Famous Artists Invitational Exhibition “;” Bashan Lingxiu map “was invited to participate in” to celebrate the third ASEAN Expo national famous calligraphy and painting exhibition. " In 1996 he held a solo exhibition in Beijing Art Museum of China. His works have been collected by museums and galleries of the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China, Rongbaozhai, Boyaa Museum in Guangzhou, Chongqing Museum, Sichuan Art Museum, Jiulai in Hong Kong and other countries in France, Japan and Singapore. Over the years, he was invited to create dramatical landscape paintings for Zhongnanhai, Beidaihe State Department Hotel (Prime Minister’s Visiting Office), the Central Military Commission Office and the Beijing West Hotel. People’s Daily, Economic Daily, Guangming Daily, CCTV, Fine Art magazine, Chinese calligraphy and painting art newspaper, art newspaper and newspapers and television stations in France, Japan and Brazil made news reports and thematic commentary.
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目的:评价氩激光光凝治疗不同时期视网膜静脉阻塞(retinal vein occlusion, RVO)的临床疗效;探讨氩激光光凝治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的临床时机和光斑设置。方法:回顾性分析我院自200
摘 要 近年来,我国大力推行素质教育,音乐课程作为素质教育的课程的一部分,应该得到相应的重视。音乐鉴赏课程不仅能够缓解学生繁重的学习压力,还能让学生身心放松的,从而达到调节和优化高中课程结构的目的。另外,可以通过音乐鉴赏课程有效地培养学生的审美能力。在音乐课上,学生可以欣赏和鉴赏音乐的过程中,真切地感受音乐的乐感美以及韵律美。高中阶段是学生生涯的一个重要阶段,在所有的高中课程中,音乐课程是一门很重