
来源 :机械工程材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwolffcn
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问:开展机械工程材料质量技术管理工作有什么实际意义?答:机械工业是为国民经济提供技术装备的基础工业,而材料是其重要的物质技术基础。材料往往构成机械产品的实体。机械产品的制造在一定意义上说是各种原材料的加工使用过程,因而原材料质量的优劣,品种规格是否合适将直接关系到产品质量和经济效益。仅以大容量电站锅炉为例,如果一台30万千瓦发电机组因材料缺陷或提供的强度数据不可靠而发生停机一天,直接的经济损失将达70万元,影响工业产值将约计1800万元。大容量电站锅炉的用钢量几乎占整个发电机组的80%,其中只要有一根钢管质量不合格, Q: What is the practical significance of carrying out the technical management of mechanical engineering materials quality? A: The mechanical industry is the basic industry that supplies the national economy with technical equipment, and the material is its important material and technological basis. Material often constitutes the physical product of the machine. In a certain sense, the manufacture of mechanical products is the process of processing and using various raw materials. Therefore, the quality of raw materials and the suitability of the varieties and specifications will directly affect the product quality and economic benefits. Only high-capacity power plant boiler, for example, if a 300,000 kilowatts generating units because of material defects or provided strength data unreliability occurred one day, the direct economic loss will reach 700,000 yuan, the impact on industrial output will be about 18 million yuan . Large-capacity power station boiler steel accounts for almost 80% of the entire generating units, as long as there is a failure of the quality of steel,
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