
来源 :刊授党校 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dykonka
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我们抚顺学区第八届大专班会计一班全体学员,经过刊授党校四个学期的培育,不论是从思想道德方面,还是从专业课上都有一个较高层次的提高。全班学员出勤率达83.33%,考试及格率达89%,作业完成率达100%,全体学员关心班级,爱护校誉,形成了很强的凝聚力和向心力。同学们都说,我们这个班之所以这么好,与班主任的辛勤工作和班干部的以身作则是分不开的。一、班干部要以身作则作为班干部,始终要坚持一个原则,即:正人先正己,要求别人做到的事,自己首先做到;不准别人做的事,自己首先不做。如在完成作业上,每次课后,我都是把老师所讲的内容过一遍,认真整理笔记,然后再做作业,这不仅为认真完成作业打下了基础,也为更深地掌握所学知识,提供了方便,同时又练习了写字,可谓一举多得。我把这一想法告诉全班同学并坚持下去,从而收到了非常好的效果。二、学会做思想政治工作学校强调出勤率,经常不上课的同学有些吃不消,想到了辍学。我一是打电话通知本人,二是去单位找本人,经几番苦心劝说,学员自觉惭愧,渐渐地来上课,并且开始关心班级,有的成为班级的骨干。还有一种情况就是有的学员认为同校方领导、教师都很熟悉,不来上课也行,只参加考 We Fushun school district eighth class college accounting class all students, after the school party school four semesters of cultivation, both from the ideological and moral aspects, or from the professional courses have a higher level of improvement. Class attendance of students reached 83.33%, the examination pass rate of 89%, job completion rate of 100%, all students concerned about the class, care of school reputation, formed a strong cohesion and solidarity. The students said that the reason why our class is so good is not inseparable from the hard work of the class teacher and leading cadres of the same class. First, class cadres should set an example for class cadres, and they must always uphold the principle that they must first of all do their own thing and ask others to do so. As in the completion of homework, after each class, I taught the teacher what I said over and carefully organize notes, and then do homework, which not only laid the foundation for serious work, but also for a deeper grasp of what they have learned , Provides a convenient, at the same time practice writing, can serve multiple purposes. I told this class to my classmates and persevered, and I got very good results. Second, learn to do ideological and political work School emphasizes attendance, often do not attend class somewhat overdone, thought of dropping out of school. I first called to inform myself, the second is to find their own unit, after several painstaking efforts to persuade students consciously ashamed, gradually come to class, and began to care about the class, and some become the backbone of the class. There is also a situation that some students think that with the school leaders, teachers are familiar with, do not come to class, only to take the test
本文利用热失重分析仪分别研究了煤和石油焦的催化气化反应特性,考察了金属盐种类、及其添加量对气化反应的影响。  NaCl、CaCl2和FeSO4对煤及石油焦CO2气化均有一定的催化