
来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ykq1999
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  1~5 CADCC 6~10 BDBBB 11~15 ADCDB
  16~20 DABAA 21~25 BDCCD 26~30 ACBAC
  31~35 DADAD 36~40 BABBA 41~45 DABAB
  46~50 AAACB 51~55 DBDDC 56~60 ADCDA
  61~65 DBCAB 66~70 ADBCA 71~75 DCADD
  76~80 CBABB 81~85 DCACC 86~89 ACBD
  1~5 AABCA 6~10 CCBBC 11~15 ACCBC
  16~20 ABCAB 21~25 FTFFT 26~30 CBABC
  31~35 CAFDE
  36. tired 37. part 38. Smile
  39. Take 40. doctor
  41. 祖父会给每个孩子一些硬币并让他们去买一些他们喜欢的东西。
  42. He got the support from his family.
  43. 鲁本认为这不公平,于是也停止了攒钱。
  44. 但是茱莉亚的父母认为她什么也没做。
  45. 但是她的家庭太穷了无法供她上小提琴课。
  46. Five. (They write about what they did, what they ate, whom they saw and met, how they did something and how they felt during that day.)
  47. Most people keep their diaries in a safe place.
  48. Yes, they are.
  49. Yes, they can.
  50. He was a great man...
  One possible version:
  Refuse to Be Phubbers
  More and more people are using smart-phones. And Phubbers can be seen here and there. We can use smart-phones to read news, search information, shop online and chat with each other. But some family members play with their smart-phones while eating with families instead of talking with them. It may break the relationship between them. Some people look at their smart-phones while walking even riding or driving. It may increase the danger of traffic accidents. It’s also bad for their health, work and study.
  In fact, face-to-face conversations are much better than chatting online by phone. We should make good use of smart-phones and refuse to be “Phubbers”.
  1~5 CCAAB 6~10 AABBC 11~15 BCACC
  16~20 ABCCA 21~25 FTFTF 26~30 CBCBC
  31~35 FEADC
  36. subjects 37. enough 38. Face
  39. help 40. weekends
  41. 但是你想先查查天气预报看看会不会下雨。
  42. but will turn clear by early afternoon.
  43. 你就只能碰运气了。
  44. 他是美国第一位发布天气预报的人。
  45. The government became interested in Abbe’s weather reports.
  46. A sign at the bus stop.
  47. They tell people where to go in or out.
  48. Yes, they can.
  49. They can tell us about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.
  50. Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films.
  One possible version:
  How to Behave at School?
  Many students have experienced bullying at school, such as the boys beating their classmate, or a group of students laughing at a poor boy because he failed in the exam. How rude they are!We should say no to such things. As a student, I think we should respect each other and be friendly to others. If we have different ideas, we’d better discuss instead of fighting. Besides, we should help our classmates when they are in trouble. Let’s play a role in building a harmonious school.
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我学习英语已有数年时间,总结我的英语学习经验,我最大的体会就是:重在方法,贵在坚持。掌握了合适的语言学习方法后,就会觉得学得很轻松,而且更有信心和毅力学好。现在的我刚从初中过来,回想以前自己学习英语的方法,现在觉得还是很有效果的。以下是我总结的经验,希望能帮助广大学弟学妹在初中阶段学好英语。  在上每节新课前,我都会在前一天主动预习下节课将要学习的新课文,例如拼记、默写新单词,熟读课文及重点短语、
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