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“搞好大的,放活小的”,是党的十四届五中全会确定的国有企业改革战略,也是在“九五”计划期间,着眼于搞好整个国有经济,优化国有资产分布结构,积极推进国有资产的合理流动和重组,加速实现具有全局意义的两个根本性转变的现实选择。 党中央提出“抓大放小”的国有企业改革战略,具有特别重要的意义。展望“九五”和今后15年奋斗目标,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和对外开放的进一步扩大,中国经济同世界经济的交往将会更加广泛和密切。要使千百万走向激烈竞争的国际市场的 In the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, we should focus on improving the entire state-owned economy and optimizing the distribution structure of state-owned assets. The reform of state-owned enterprises, as set forth in the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party, , Actively promote the rational flow and restructuring of state-owned assets and accelerate the realistic choice of achieving two fundamental changes with global significance. The CPC Central Committee put forward the strategy of reforming state-owned enterprises that “grasping big while letting go small” has particular significance. Looking into the goal of “the Ninth Five-year Plan” and the goal for the next 15 years, with the gradual establishment of China’s socialist market economic system and the further opening up to the outside world, China’s economy will have more extensive and close contacts with the world economy. To make millions into the fiercely competitive international market
Near our school there isa small shop. It is open aftereight o’clock in the morning.It sells many kinds of things.In this shop you can buy Near our school ther
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