
来源 :上海档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzfeng163
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为了贯彻实施好《档案法实施办法》,促进档案事业的迅速发展,1月10日上海市档案局召开了本市部分机关、大型企事业单位档案部门的负责同志学习《档案法实施办法》座谈会。一月的上海正值隆冬时节,天气十分寒冷,然而市档案局七楼会议室里却充溢着热烈的气氛。来自本市轻工、化工、卫生、交通、商业、仪表等系统档案部门的同志围绕着《档案法实施办法》的学习、宣传、贯彻展开了热烈的讨论,大家畅所欲言,群情振奋。上海化工厂的黄忠镐同志首先发言,他说,档案事业是社会主义建设事业的一个重要组成部分,档案信息资源将在国家现代化建设中发挥出越来越重要的作用,然而作为档案事业基石的基层企业的档案工作却被人重视不够,工作较难开展。随着《档案法》的颁布和企业档案管理上等级活动的开展,企业档案工作有了改善,而《档案法实施办法》的实施,第一次以法律的形式明确了企业单位档案部门的四项主要职责,使我们可以名正言顺地依法行使职权,更顺利地开展工作了。这个作用 In order to implement the “Measures for the Implementation of the Archives Law” and promote the rapid development of archives, the Archives Bureau of Shanghai Municipality held on January 10 a forum in charge of comrades in charge of Archives Law Implementation Measures in Some Municipalities and Large Enterprises and Institutions in the Municipality meeting. In January, Shanghai was in the middle of the winter and the weather was very cold. However, there was a warm atmosphere in the conference room on the seventh floor of the Municipal Archives Bureau. Comrades from the archives departments of the light industry, chemical industry, public health, transportation, commerce and instrumentation in the city revolved around the study, publicity and implementation of the “Measures for the Implementation of the Archives Law,” and enthusiastically discussed the matter. Comrade Huang Zhonghao at the Shanghai Chemical Factory made a speech at the beginning. He said that the file industry is an important part of the cause of socialism. Archival information resources will play an increasingly important role in the modernization of the country. However, as the cornerstone of the archival cause, Corporate archives work has been paid insufficient attention to work more difficult to carry out. With the promulgation of the “Archives Law” and the promotion of grade activities in the management of enterprise records, the work of archives has been improved. The implementation of the “Measures for the Implementation of the Archives Law” has, for the first time, clearly defined the four The main responsibilities of this section allow us to justifiably exercise our powers in accordance with the law and carry out our work smoothly. This role
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