
来源 :中国卫生法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shen648491077
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一九八九年与一九九三年,河北省會发生两起卫生监督机构与商检局管辖权争议案。这类案件管辖权的归属问题,确实是困挠基层卫生监督机构的难题。1 两起案件管辖重叠,相互排斥的经过某县外贸冷冻厂属于乡镇企业,自建厂以来一直效益不错,受到政府的重视。一九八三年食品卫生法实施以后由县卫生防疫站验收发给“卫生许可证”。一九八四年持卫生许可证向省商检局申报出口食品企业,当年获得批准并发给“出口食品登记证”。主要产品有白条鸡、白条鸭、牛肉等冷冻生肉。大部分通过外贸部门销往国外,也有部分内销,仅八八年销往县政府招待所就有1000公斤。企业的从业人员体检一直由县卫生防疫站依照食品卫生法进行。一九八九年县卫生防疫站检出五名从业人员“乙型肝炎表面抗原”阳性,血清滴度分别为1:160、1:180、1:80、1:80、1:40,被认定为乙型肝炎患者,通知厂方调离原岗位,但 In 1989 and 1993, there were two cases of jurisdictional dispute between health inspection agencies and the Commodity Inspection Bureau in Hebei Province. The attribution of the jurisdiction of such cases is indeed a difficult problem for the primary health supervision agencies. 1 In two cases, the jurisdictions overlapped and mutually exclusive. The freezing plant outside a county belongs to the township and village enterprises. Since the construction of the plant, it has been of great benefit and received the attention of the government. After the implementation of the Food Sanitation Law in 1983, it was checked and accepted by the county health and epidemic prevention station and issued to “Health Permits.” In 1984 with the health permit to the provincial Commodity Inspection Bureau to declare the export of food businesses, was approved and issued to the “export food registration certificate ”. The main products are white chicken, white duck, beef and other frozen raw meat. Most of them are sold to foreign countries through foreign trade departments, and some are also sold domestically. In 1988, there were only 1,000 kg of guesthouses sold to the county government. The practitioners of the enterprise medical examination has been carried out by the county health and epidemic prevention station in accordance with the Food Sanitation Law. In 1989, the county health and epidemic prevention station detected five practitioners “hepatitis B surface antigen ” positive serum titer was 1: 160,1: 180,1: 80,1: 80,1: 40 , Was identified as hepatitis B patients, notify the factory transfer from the original post, but
第一条 (目的和依据)为了保障城镇私营企业在职人员退休后的基本生活需要,根据《上海市城镇职工养老保险制度改革实施方案》和《上海市城镇职工养老保险办法》,制定本办法。
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3月12日 晴    她安静地存在着,连绵的青山与温润的流水环绕着她,她就是边城——凤凰。  初中时,读过沈从文先生的名作《边城》,我便知道了凤凰,从那之后那座古老而美丽的小城便住进了我的心灵深处。终于有机会在假期里随老师一起前往这被不尽的传奇装扮的古城,去领略一下作家饱含深情的文字里的湘西凤凰。  我们沿虹桥踏上了被鞋底打磨得光滑发亮的青石桥路,走进了临江老街。小街幽深而神秘的氛围,唤起了我对久