On Cultural Differences of Parenthood between China and the West

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  【Abstract 】Parenthood is a vital component of social relations which is greatly influenced by particular culture. The paper studies on cultural differences between China and the West from the perspective of parent-child relation, enlightening on family educational modes.
  【Key words】culture; parenthood; difference
  【关键词】文化 亲子关系 差异
  1. Introduction
  Family plays an important role in the constitution of a nation. Family relation, especially parent-child relation, is a vital component of social relations, and exerts direct and significant influence on the development of the society. On the other hand, different family relation is the product of particular culture and social background.
  2. Differences of Parenthood between China and the West
  2.1 Differences in parents’ love towards child
  In China, parents are responsible for their child in the whole life. The Chinese regard their child as the apple of one’s eye. Parents play the roles of guardian and protector and almost put all their hope on their child.
  In the western countries, influenced by the idea of individualism, parents tend to cultivate child’s own personality. They do not force their child to learn something, but guide them to find their own interest as a friend.
  2.2 Differences in child’ love towards parents
  Chinese culture regards filial piety as the basic standard to judge child’s love towards parents. Filial conduct is regarded as the rule to confine the children and establish the root of family provision.
  Western culture attaches great importance to equality. Children leave home when they are 18 years old or even earlier and offer more emotional support to their parents. Most aged parents tend to choose nursing home to spend their senior life, while Chinese people regard it as the irresponsibility of child towards their parents.
  3. Cultural roots behind the differences between China and the West
  3.1 Different social system
  The Western countries are mainly capitalist and developed countries. People have integrated social pension insurance system. The future of the children depends on their own efforts as an independent individual. Individualism is the core of western culture. A scholar in America pointed out sharply that “in a democratic society, every citizen is accustomed to think about a small goal, that was himself”.   China, on the contrary, is a socialist and also a developing country. Without the reliable social insurance system, parents care much about the future of their children. They treat their children as their own property rather than independent individuals. Thinking highly of collective interests, they have a sense that parents and children are unity and treat their children as the continuity of their own values.
  3.2 Different traditional value
  Traditionally, Chinese value is the pursuit of personal perfection. Family education in China pays much attention to the development of etiquette and the sense of collectivism. In the relation between individual and collective, Chinese culture emphasizes that personal interest must be subordinate to that of the collective absolutely and unconditionally. From the ancient, parents think that children should be trained to be obedient. They must follow what their parents ask them to do.
  In the eyes of western parents, children are independent, and equal to adults. They communicate with the children on an equal state and pay more attention to the children’s opinion. What is more, they adopt the children’s idea positively. All these are helpful to the cultivation of the children’s independent personality.
  3.3 Different position of family institution
  Family institution moves along with the movement of culture. Family is the foundation of Chinese society. Family bureaucratic system is the typical characteristics of Chinese society. China emphasizes family life. It organizes the society by the ethics, which is called the “Ethics-based” society.
  The base of western society is individual. Westerners focus on group life. They depend on religions to unify individuals, and finally establish the independence and freedom of the individuals. Therefore, it has been called the “individual-based” society.
  4. Conclusion
  Because of diverse historical background, cultural tradition and social value, the parenthood presents totally differential style. The study on cultural differences between China and the West from the perspective of family relations can be instructive for us to know different family educational modes, building new angles in creating more healthy and harmonious families.
  [1]Zhibin Guo.The Comparison of Family Education between China and the West.International Conference on Education Technology and Management Engineering,2012.
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