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习近平同志2014年10月15日上午在京主持召开文艺工作座谈会并发表重要讲话。他强调,文艺是时代前进的号角,最能代表一个时代的风貌,最能引领一个时代的风气。实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,文艺的作用不可替代,文艺工作者大有可为。放眼当下的文艺状况,良莠不齐的作品比比皆是,文艺工作者在文艺创作理念上持有不同的态度,有的主张娱乐至上,认为迎合大众的低级趣味即可;有的认为文艺作品应该是高于一切阶级,凌驾于现实生活的精神创作;有的则认为文艺担负着提高大众审美水平的任务,文艺工作者应以教化大众为己任。本文以《飞越疯人院》为例探讨如何创作扎根于时代、扎根于生活的作品。 On the morning of October 15, 2014, Comrade Xi Jinping chaired a forum on literary and art work in Beijing and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that literature and art are the trumpets of the times. They can best represent the style of an era and can best lead the trend of an era. The realization of the goal of “two hundred and one years” and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can not be replaced by the role of literature and art, and the literary and art workers are promising. Looking at the current literary and art situation, there are lots of works that are mixed and unfavorable. Literary and art workers hold different attitudes in the concept of literary and artistic creation. Some advocate entertaining first that they can cater to the vulgar taste of the public. Some think literary and art work should be high In all classes, it surpasses the spiritual creation in real life. Others think that literature and art are responsible for raising the aesthetic level of the general public. Literary and art workers should do their utmost to educate the public. This paper explores how to create works rooted in the times and rooted in life by taking “Flying over a madhouse” as an example.
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目的:探讨BCG皮试对儿童结构病的诊断和辅助诊断价值。方法:对68例肺结核、 18例结核性脑膜炎、38例伴有不同程度营养不良肺结核儿童进行了检测,并与PPD皮试进行了比较。结果:BCG皮试总阳性率为91.13%,