Characteristics of the Variation of Cross Fault Short-Baseline and Short-Range Leveling in Western Y

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Results of analysis of variation of cross fault short-baseline and short-range leveling in Western Yunnan Earthquake Test Site (WYETS), results show that among five observation stations of cross fault short-baseline and short-range leveling in WYETS befor
Seismological approaches used in earthquake prediction involve many subjects. To predict large earthquakes from small to moderate foreshocks has a clear meaning in physics. Some of the main methods of
【摘要】针对目前我国教育与生活脱节的情况,教育改革提倡教学联系生活,提出了教学生活化的新型教学方法。而初中物理中涉及的光、声、电等,无一不与实际生活紧密相连。所以在初中物理教学中采用生活化的教学方法,能够有效地帮助学生理解物理、提高物理教学效果。  【关键词】初中物理 生活化教学 实践分析  【中图分类号】G633.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0133-0
I. SURVEY OF GLOBAL SEISMICITY IN 1998 A total of 17 earthquakes with M_s≥7.0 occurred in the world in 1998 according to the determination by the Chinese Seismic Station Network. The strongest earthqu
For a strong earthquake swarm, the key to estimate the frequency attenuation coefficient h-value of ensuing strong earthquake sequence accurately lies in quanti
[中图分类号]G623.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2095-3089(2017)12-0061-01  《义务教育数学新课程标准(2011版)》在“课程性质”中要求:“培养学生的创新意识和实践能力”。同时,在“课程内容”中指出:“综合与实践”内容设置的目的在于培养学生综合运用有关的知识与方法解决实际问题,培养学生的问题意识、应用意识和创新意识,积累学生的活动经验,提高学生解决现实问题的能力
【摘 要】在小学数学课程教学中,新教材中的教学素材越来丰富,教学情景也越来越生动,而这就对教师运用这些素材和情景的能力提出了新的要求。小学数学教师要充分利用好教材,挖掘出其中的有效资源,在准备好教学用具的同时,还应做好情境运用的设计,更要开拓创新,不断创设丰富、有趣味性、有地方特色的适合学生的情境,使之更加有效地为教学服务。  【关键词】小学数学 情景教学 生活情景  【中图分类号】G632 【文
Cross-well electromagnetic tomography has been used to monitor the changes of the abso rption coefficient of electromagnetic waves before and after earthquakes for 5 years at Dahuichang fault since 19
[摘要]幼师生物课程是幼师职业教育基础课,对于提高幼师生科学素养,发展其科学探究能力,促进其全面发展,有着重要的意义。本文从幼儿师范学校教学实际出发,阐明了新形势下幼师教材的编写理念及改进的目的、方向、核心及标准,以期幼师生物教材更加满足幼师职业教育的需要。  [关键词]幼师生物 教材 改进  [中图分类号]G633.91 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2095-3089(2017)12-0060
Based on discussion of the reasonableness of the seismic destruction described by using the death degree,the probabilistic curves of the different death degrees with different future times in several