Summary “Shu Su” is the rice Mi Yuan Yu three years (one eight eight) thirty-nine works. In this great year of “refreshing autumn,” he told his friend, Hu Jinxi, an invitation to “make a visit to Taiwan.” At the time when “Howe I Will Be”, Lin Xi presented Shuxin’s book, which was woven for four years (10.444 years) during the Qingli calendar, which lasted for 44 years. Rice 芾 then Hing Hing together even a book for the recent eight poems, a total of five hundred and sixty-six, for the history of calligraphy added a light Chiaki treasure. In addition to being the best book of rice in the word, and the carrier of a silk book of silk with a black thread, this scroll is the most outstanding of all his works, from an extraordinary point of view