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Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease. The etiology of T1DM is incompletely understood but environmental agent(s) are thought to trigger T1DM
Aim: To investigate the clinical characteristics of diabetic patients with a low-titer positive for the anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 antibody (GAD antibo
【正】 1996年,是贯彻实施《审计法》的关键之年,也是审计机关承担重任、接受考验、检测能力、体现作用的重要一年。为适应这种新情况,我们伊通县审计局全体干部职工主动接受
Introduction: Low bodyweight type 2 DM is a distinct clinical entity having many inherent peculiarities seen in India and developing countries, constituting 11%
We have previously demonstrated that allogeneic human bone marrow (BM) supports human islet function and longevity in vitro. We hypothesize that BM supporting h
We evaluated the effect of sitagliptin on vascular endothelial function in Japanese type 2 diabetes patients without cardiovascular disease. Subjects included 2
Gynecologic cancers represent a significant problem worldwide. Advanced, recurrent gynecologic cancers are often refractory to chemo-therapy, so new treatment r