
来源 :中学英语园地·初三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beardengsha
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  1. 你们应当把你们的物品保管好。
  误: You should take good care of your things carefully.
  正: You should take good care of your things.
  析: take good care of 有“认真保管好”之意,不应再与表示“认真地”意思的副词 carefully 连用。
  2. 只要他一回来,我就立刻告诉你。
  误: I will let you know at once as soon as he comes back.
  正: I will let you know as soon as he comes back.
  析: as soon as 含有“一……就”之意。若用 as soon as 引導时间状语从句,主句中就不应再有表示“立刻”、“马上”之意的 at once, immediately, right away/now 等副词性词语。
  3. 我们不知道大卫什么时候回来。
  误: We don’t know when David will return back.
  正: We don’t know when David will return.
  正: We don’t know when David will come back.
  析: return 有 come back 或 go back 的意思,故 return 不能再与副词 back 连用。
  4. 我们希望你们俩明天上午都能来。
  误: We hope that both you two could come tomorrow morning.
  正: We hope that you two could come tomorrow morning.
  正: We hope that both of you could come tomorrow morning.
  析: both 与 two 都表示“两”的意思,两者不可以同时用在一个句子里。
  5. 他们还没有完成这项工作。
  误: They still haven’t finished the job yet.
  正: They still haven’t finished the job.
  正: They haven’t finished the job yet.
  析: still 和 yet 都可用于否定句中,都可以表示“还”、“仍然”之意,但两者不可用于同一个句子中。 still一般位于表示否定的助动词之前, yet 用于否定句的末尾。
  6. 大家都非常喜欢这个小女孩。
  误: Everybody all likes the little girl very much.
  正: Everybody likes the little girl very much.
  正: All of us like the little girl very much.
  析: everybody 和 all 都表示“大家”的意思,但前者强调个体,后者强调整体,两者不能同时用在一个句子中。
  7. 这男孩名叫张鹏。
  误: The name of the boy is called Zhang Peng.
  正: The name of the boy is Zhang Peng.
  正: The boy is called Zhang Peng.
  析: name 意为“名字”, be called 意为“名字叫”,两者在语义上是重复的,故不能同时用在一个句子中。
  8. 请把这个句子重复一遍。
  误: Please repeat the sentence again.
  正: Please repeat the sentence.
  正: Please say the sentence again.
  析: repeat 含有“say sth again”之意,如果 repeat 之后再用 again,语义就重复了,故两者不能同时用在一个句子中。
  9. 战争结束以后,他成了一名医生。
  误: After the end of the war, he became a doctor.
  正: After the war, he became a doctor.
  析:介词 after 意为“在……以后”,而 end 意为“结束”,两者语义重复,不能同时用在一个句子中。
  10. 咱们步行去电院影好吗?
  误: Shall we walk to the cinema on foot?
  正: Shall we walk to the cinema?
  正: Shall we go to the cinema on foot?
  析: walk 本身有“步行”之意,故不可与同样表示“步行”意义的介词短语 on foot 连用。
  11. 你喜欢米饭还是喜欢面条?
  误: Which do you prefer better, rice or noodle?
  正: Which do you prefer, rice or noodle?
  正: Which do you like better, rice or noodle?
  析: prefer 本身有“较喜欢(like better)”之意,故不可与表示“较……”意义的 better 同时用在一个句子中。
  12. 我吃完早饭急急忙忙去上学。
  误: After breakfast I was hurrying to go to school.
  正: After breakfast I was hurrying to school.
  析: hurry 含有“匆忙走”之意,为避免语义重复,后面不可再接表示“走”、“跑”之意的 go, walk, run 等动词。
  13. 打篮球是汤姆最喜爱的运动。
  误: Playing basketball is Tom’s most favourite sport.
  正: Playing basketball is Tom’s favourite sport.
  析: favourite 含有“最喜爱的”意思,前面不应再用表示“最……”意义的 most 修饰。
  14. 这台电脑多少钱?
  误: How much is the price of the computer?
  正: What is the price of the computer?
  正: What price is the computer?
  正: How much is the computer?
  析: how much 可以用来询问“多少钱”, price 意为“价钱”,为避免语义重复,两者不能同时用在一个句子中。
  15. 当老师走进教室时,学生们不再说话了。
  误: The students stopped talking when the teacher entered into the classroom.
  正: The students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.
  正: The students stopped talking when the teacher walked into the classroom.
  析: enter 有 come/go/walk into 的意思,是及物动词,其后应直接跟宾语,不能再跟介词 into。
摘要:本文主要从家庭环境和家庭教育两个方面来强调家庭教育的重要性,以此论证良好的家庭教育是儿童成长的“助长剂”,并分析如何加强儿童时期的家庭教育。  关键词:儿童 家庭教育 助长剂    对儿童而言,家庭生活将伴随其一生,从一个婴儿呱呱坠地,家庭的影响、家庭的教育,已在儿童成长的世界中潜滋暗长,正如教育家福禄培尔在《人的教育》中这样说:“家庭生活在儿童成长的每一个时期,以及在人的整个一生中,是无可
据市场研究公司Infonetics Research最新发表的题为《亚太地区光纤网络硬件:中国、日本、印度和韩国》的研究报告称,中国2007年的光纤网络硬件开支在亚太地区排第1位,是日本的1
A rookie police officer was out for his first ride in a cruiser with an experienced partner. A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loiter
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