美国女作家 安妮·莫罗·林德伯格

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安妮·莫罗·林德伯格(Anne Morrow Lindbergh,1906~2001),美国20世纪轰动一时的女飞行员和作家,1906年6月22日生于新泽西州恩格尔伍德(Englewood,New Jersey)。父亲是银行家和参议员,母亲是教育家和诗人。 1927年,羞怯的、爱好写作的安妮·莫罗在史密斯学院(Smith College)读大学时结识了当时美国人心目中的孤胆勇士和民族英雄查尔斯·林德伯格(CharlesLindbergh, 1902~1974),从此开始了一生中的戏剧性转折,始终处在舆论关注的焦点。后者则刚在当年6月份单人驾驶飞机“圣路易斯精神”号(The Spirit of St.Louis),飞行33个半小时,航程3610英里,首次完成了人类厉史上从纽约到巴黎飞越大西洋的壮举。两人于1929年结婚。随后不久,安妮获得了滑翔机飞行执照,成为美国第一位女飞行员。在30年代早期,林德伯格夫妇作为空中伴侣完成了许多飞行探险,获得了许多荣誉。但是,1932年,仅一岁半的儿子小查尔斯被绑架杀害,这给夫妇俩带来了莫大的创伤。最近,美国评出的20世纪十大案件中便有林德伯格绑架案。安妮·莫罗·林德伯格有着辉煌的飞行生涯,也有着不俗的创作业绩。她写过20多本书,有散文集、日记和诗集。散文集《北飞东亚》(North to the Orient,1935)和《听啊!风》(Listen!The Wind,1938)记叙了林德伯格夫妇在加拿大、阿拉斯加、日本、中国及大西洋探索空中航线的冒险经历。日记《黄金岁月,沉铅岁月》(Hour ofGold,Hour of Lead,1973)反映了安妮年轻时的恋爱、婚烟和飞行的欢乐,以及儿子被绑架杀害后的痛苦。《独角兽》(The Unicorn,1956)是一部诗集。奠定安妮·莫罗·林德伯格文学声望的书是散文集《大海的礼物》(Gift from the Sea,1955)。这是一部充满个人经验和智慧的哲学沉思录,风格纤细,感情浓郁,一度长时间占据美国畅销书榜首。它从女性的角度温柔如歌地关注了爱情、婚姻和人生。它是作者海滨度假、远离尘嚣的产物,像是一枚小巧完美的贝壳,一件来自大海的礼物,里面装着温暖的沁人心脾的灵感。 2001年2月7日,才女飞行员安妮·莫罗·林德伯格在佛蒙特州(Vermont)去世。世界将长久牢记她留下的一段佳话和一本《大海的礼物》。下面短文Channeled Whelk便节选自《大海的礼物》。 Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001), a sensational female pilot and writer from the 20th century, was born on June 22, 1906 in Englewood, New Jersey. Fathers are bankers and senators; mothers are educators and poets. In 1927, ashamed, writing-loving Anne Morrow became acquainted with American lone warriors and national hero Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) at the time when he went to college at Smith College. The dramatic turning point in his life has always been the focus of public opinion. The latter just flew the plane “The Spirit of St. Louis” in June of that year, flying for 33 and a half hours, a voyage of 3,610 miles, and for the first time completed the history of humans flying from New York to Paris over the Atlantic Ocean. The feat. Both married in 1929. Shortly thereafter, Anne won a glider flight license and became the first female pilot in the United States. In the early 1930s, the Lindbergers completed many flight expeditions as air companions and gained many honors. However, in 1932, Charles, the son of only one and a half years old, was kidnapped and killed. This brought great trauma to the couple. Recently, Lindbergh’s kidnapping was among the top 10 cases of the 20th century that the United States had named. Anne Morrow Lindbergh has a brilliant career in flying and also has impressive performance. She has written more than 20 books, including essays, diaries and poetry. The essays “North to the East” (1935) and “Listen! The Wind” (1938) describe the adventures of the Lindbergers in exploring air routes in Canada, Alaska, Japan, China, and the Atlantic Ocean. experience. The diary “Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead (1973)” reflects Anne’s youthful love, marriage, and flying joy, as well as the pain of his son’s abduction and murder. The Unicorn (1956) is a collection of poems. The book that laid the foundation for Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s literary prose is the essay “Gift from the Sea” (1955). This is a philosophical meditation full of personal experience and wisdom. It has a slender style and a strong feeling. It once occupied the top spot of the best-selling books in the United States for a long time. It focuses on love, marriage, and life from a feminine point of view. It is a product of the author’s beach vacation, far away from the dust, like a small perfect shell, a gift from the sea, filled with warm and inspiring inspiration. On February 7, 2001, the talented female pilot Anne Morrow Lindbergh died in Vermont. The world will remember for a long time the story she had left and a book entitled “The Gift of the Sea.” The following short essay by Channeled Whelk will be taken from “The Gift of the Sea”.
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