面向大众 传承文化——记建设中的广州市档案馆

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广州在中国革命史上有着重要的历史地位,革命先驱孙中山曾与一批革命者发动广州起义,而位于长洲岛的黄埔军校更是革命名人辈出,毛泽东曾在这里创办农民运动讲习所,培养了大批革命骨干力量。如今历史人物已逝,历史风云已淡,但曾经的激荡,却给这里留下了深刻的印记。广州的现在和未来,就建立在过去的成就之上。而那些带着历史印记的档案,静默地承载着广州的过去。广州市档案馆是党和国家重要档案保管基地,2012年12月,位于广州大学城 Guangzhou has an important historical position in the history of the Chinese revolution. Revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen initiated a Guangzhou uprising with a group of revolutionaries. The Whampoa Military Academy located in Cheung Chau Island is a city full of revolutionary celebrities. Mao Zedong once founded a peasant movement seminar here and trained A large number of revolutionary backbone forces. Today’s historical figures have passed away and the historical situation has been weak. However, once the agitation has left a deep imprint here. Guangzhou’s present and future are based on past achievements. And those with historical mark of the file, silently carrying the past of Guangzhou. Guangzhou Municipal Archives is an important archives base for the party and the state. In December 2012, Guangzhou Archives was located in Guangzhou University City
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