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一、美国漫威漫画公司和漫威影业(About Marvel Comics and Marvel Studio)

  Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Comics, and by the early 1950s, it had generally become known as Atlas Comics. The Marvel branding began in 1961, the year that the company launched Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and many others.
  Marvel counts among its characters such wellknown superheroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Wolverine, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and the Punisher, such teams as the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Inhumans and Guardians of the Galaxy, and antagonists(反派)including Thanos, Doctor Doom, Magneto, Red Skull, Green Goblin, Ultron, Doctor Octopus, Loki, and Kingpin.
  美国漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是与DC漫画公司(Detective Comics)齐名的漫画巨头,创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel(漫威),旧译为“惊奇漫画”,曾用名有“时代漫画”(Timely Comics)、阿特拉斯漫画(Atlas Comics)。
  1939年4月,公司在《电影连环画周刊》创刊号上创造出了世界上第一位变种人超级英雄——海王纳摩,这是漫威的第一位超级英雄,他比公司的成立還要早半年。同年 10月,公司在《惊奇漫画》第1期上创造出世界上第一位生化人超级英雄——初代霹雳火,并将纳摩引入其中,这水与火的双重合作,打出了漫威历史上的第一拳。漫威旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神托尔、绿巨人、惊奇队长、黑豹、死侍、奇异博士、金刚狼、超胆侠、恶灵骑士、惩罚者、蚁人、黄蜂女、黑寡妇、鹰眼、杰茜卡·琼斯、卢克·凯奇、铁拳、刀锋战士、野蛮人柯南等超级英雄,复仇者联盟、X战警、神奇四侠、异人族、银河护卫队、捍卫者联盟、光照会等超级英雄团队,以及灭霸、毁灭博士、万磁王、红骷髅、绿魔、奥创、章鱼博士、邪神洛基、金并等超级反派。
  Marvel Studio was established in 1993. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studio’s parent company. Marvel Studio has brought the stories of their comic heroes on the screen again since 2008. So far, Marvel Studio has created dozens of heroes, big and small, as well as charming villains. Marvel Universe has formed a very grand IP network, and its business model has become the role model of many film and television companies to emulate.

二、灵魂人物斯坦·李(Stan Lee)

  In 1941, Stanley Lieber, 16, a cousin of Marvel’s founder Goodman’s wife, joined Marvel. He is now well-known for his pen name, Stan Lee. Most of Marvel’s heroes were written by Stan Lee alone, and such a heavy workload was unimaginable. Sometimes even Stan Lee himself didn’t remember the characters he wrote. For the convenience of memory, he deliberately chose the same initials for the names of his characters—Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Matt Murdock.   1941年,漫威的创办者古德曼的妻子的表弟——16岁的斯坦利·利伯——加入了漫威。如今他的笔名更加有名——斯坦·李。漫威的大部分英雄都靠斯坦·李一个人来编写,这样繁重的工作量是常人难以想象的。有时甚至连斯坦·李自己都不记得写过的人物,为了方便记忆,他在为笔下人物取名时故意把姓和名都选取相同的首字母——彼得·帕克、布鲁斯·班纳、马特·默多克等。
  Stan Lee has invented the “Marvel style of creation”:
  Step 1: Writers and editors discuss the story outline;
  Step 2: When the artist receives the outline, he decides the pace and focus of the story and draws a comic with a specified number of pages;
  Step 3: After the writer gets the pencil sketch of the artist, he uses it as a guide to write the final script, including character dialogue and title;
  Step 4: Type, line and color the comic.
  In this approach, writers only provide ideas, while artists have enough space in creation, and then the editors add script to comics. It relieves the work of the writers, and increases the work of the artists. Therefore it is particularly important for artists to cooperate with writers.
  With a large number of outstanding figures, by 1968, Marvel had caught up with or even surpassed DC, becoming another giant in the comic industry. At the same time, the comic industry had finally come out of the predicament and developed at a high speed.

三、重要英雄团队(Major Heroes)

  1. 神奇四侠(Fantastic Four)
  As Marvel’s pioneering work in the revival of the 1960s, the story tells that four scientists acquired four different superpowers due to the variation of radiation. From then on, a team was formed to fight crime, to carry out scientific exploration, and to solve all kinds of strange problems. This team was actually a family with open membership and it was widely welcomed by the world. The couple was the first mainstream heroes who got married and had children. Fantastic Four created a period of prosperity for modern heroes with good images. Other heroes, including the Avengers, regarded them as role models.

  《神奇四侠》是漫威在20世纪60年代复兴时的开山之作,讲述了四位科学家由于受到宇宙射线辐射而变异,获得四种不同的超能力,从此成立了一个团队,既打击犯罪,也进行科学探险,解决各种离奇的问题。这支队伍实际上是一个家庭,成员身份公开,广受世人欢迎。他们中间的一对恋人是主流英雄中最早结婚并有孩子的。神奇四侠以良好的形象开创了现代英雄兴旺的时期,其他的英雄,包括复仇者联盟这样的队伍,都视他们为楷模。   2. 复仇者联盟(The Avengers)
  Labeled “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” the Avengers originally consisted of Ant-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and the Wasp. Ant-Man created the Avengers. Then the original Captain America was discovered trapped in ice. He joined the group after they revived him. A rotating roster has become a hallmark of the series, although one theme remains consistent: The Avengers fight “the foes no single superhero can withstand.” The team, famous for its battle cry of “Avengers Assemble,”features humans, mutants, inhumans, androids, aliens, supernatural beings, and even former villains.
  3. X战警(X-Men)
  Professor X established the Mutant School to train young mutants to use their abilities correctly and to protect the world from the evil mutants. The story began with the arrival of the new student Jean Gray at the school. The original team of X-men had other four members including Cyclops, Beast, Angel and Iceman. Their first opponent was Magneto.
  At that time, X-Men were all very young and wore uniform. However, compared with other teams, their biggest feature was that their leader did not participate in the actual combat. Professor X always sat in the wheelchair. The story introduced the idea of “learning and controlling superpower,” which was different from the consistent concept of other superheroes.
  4. 银河护卫队(Guardians of Galaxy)
  In 2005, Marvel launched Annihilation, a major event, followed by a number of derivative cartoons and sequels, which packaged a number of original roles of Marvel cosmic system, such as Star Lord, Drax, Camorra, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Ronan and Nova, with a more contemporary sense.
  The father of Star-Lord was the king of Spartacus, but before he succeeded, his spaceship had landed on the earth. He had an affection with a woman on Earth and had a son, Peter Quill, the Star-Lord. He was rather awkward, a bit ruffian and humorous.
  漫威在2005年推出大事件“星际湮灭”(Annihilation),其后陆续出了若干衍生漫画和续集,把星爵、德拉克斯、卡魔拉、火箭浣熊、树人格鲁特、罗南、新星等一批漫威原有的宇宙系角色包装得更具时代感。   星爵的父親是外星球“斯巴达克斯”的国王,但在尚未继位的时候,他的飞船曾迫降在地球,他和一个地球上的女人产生了感情并有了儿子彼得·奎尔,也就是星爵。他的性格比较别扭,有点痞气,又有点搞笑。

四、漫威电影宇宙发展历史(Adapting Comics to Movies)

  1. 早期的一些漫改影视剧(Earlier Movies
对环境变化的麻木及对过往成功路径的依赖是戴尔陷入混乱的深层原因。偶像的迈克·戴尔能否拯救这家曾经被视为偶像的公司?    成王败寇的转换有时源于一系列的机缘巧合。  1996年,凯文·罗林斯从贝恩咨询公司跳到戴尔公司,挑起辅助迈克·戴尔的重任。在此后的8年时间里,这对被视为商界绝配的老臣少主结下了深厚的友谊,戴尔公司也在征战中接近了辉煌的顶点。  1997年,创办了苹果电脑公司却遭扫地出门之耻的乔
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大家还记得美国职篮NBA的华裔球星林书豪吗?2012年初爆红的他,近几来的表现似乎不尽理想,不是坐冷板凳等着当替补球员,就是在受伤、养伤之间循环。  2017年10月中,林书豪在一场比赛中“铲篮”,落地时失去平衡跌倒,面露痛苦的表情,不断自言自语说“I’m done”(我完了),经检查后证实为右膝肌腱撕裂,恐怕需要长时间的疗养。  看到林书豪的这一幕,想想他从生涯的高峰走了下来,不禁让人多有感慨。
集5次勒芒耐力赛桂冠荣誉与优良运动基因于一身的奥迪R8,堪称一款名副其实的顶级运动型轿车。在不久前举行的“2006巴黎车展”上正式亮相的奥迪勒芒quattro概念车为原型的中置发动机奥迪R8超级跑车量产车型,甫一亮相,就成为本次巴黎车展最耀眼的明星。  奥迪R8超级跑车拥有无比迷人的驾控感,在奥迪品牌的运动车型中堪称翘楚。中置420马力V8 FSI发动机、全时四轮驱动系统和奥迪全铝车身空间框架结构
基准总是随着汽车技术的发展被重新设立。第五代BMW 7系是对风格、华贵及驾驶乐趣的全新诠释。携三款发动机隆重登场:BMW 750i、BMW 740i、BMW 730d。这个豪华轿车系列还有另外两个车型:BMW 750Li和BMW 740Li,轴距增加140毫米,特别强调后排舒适性。  新一代BMW 7系的设计浑然天成、动感卓越、气质优雅。现代、进取的外观造型体现出车辆出众的性能,全新系列的发动机使
1.Don’t Use a BuiIt-in Theme4
Imagine hearing only the clip of your heels on the squares of Covent Garden2. If Charles Babbage3 had had his way in 1864 then a walk through town might have been eerily quiet today.  Babbage, the phi
英文里的外来语俯拾皆是,“纯种”的英文词汇反而屈居少数。之前介绍过英文里的拉丁文(如vice versa,“反之亦然”)和法文(如deja yu,“似曾相识”),相信读者还有印象,这一期我们再接再厉,一起来看看英文里的意大利文。  意大利文在文艺方面有着举足轻重的影响力,这极可能与意大利作为文艺复兴(Renaissance)的发源地密不可分,英文里借自意大利文的词汇多少也反映了这个事实。不过文艺毕
摘 要:当代批评理论的发展之路始于新批评决定提高门槛,要求一种更大的阐释回报,这条路继而由翻新了的原型批评(其主要创始人是加拿大的诺思洛普·弗莱)和人类学延续下去。福柯在某些方面可以说是回归了人类学永恒的天真,不过当那样做行不通的时候,他又试着将认识论置于形而上学之上。朱迪斯·巴特勒和霍米·巴巴沿着这个方向走了下去。他们走入的僵局导致了对于外在框架的探求(罗蒂和利奥塔的哲学之路),然而,这最终提示