From China’s Heavy Precipitation in 2020 to a“Glocal”Hydrometeorological Solution for Flood Risk Pre

来源 :大气科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiandiren100
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The prolonged mei-yu/baiu system with anomalous precipitation in the year 2020 has swollen many rivers and lakes,caused flash flooding,urban flooding and landslides,and consistently wreaked havoc across large swathes of China,particularly in the Yangtze River basin.Significant precipitation and flooding anomalies have already been seen in magnitude and extension so far this year,which have been exerting much higher pressure on emergency responses in flood control and mitigation than in other years,even though a rainy season with multiple ongoing serious flood events in different provinces is not that uncommon in China.Instead of delving into the causes of the uniqueness of this year’s extreme precipitation-flooding situation,which certainly warrants in-depth exploration,in this article we provide a short view toward a more general hydrometeorological solution to this annual nationwide problem.A“glocal”(global to local)hydrometeorological solution for floods(GHS-F)is considered to be critical for better preparedness,mitigation,and management of different types of significant precipitation-caused flooding,which happen extensively almost every year in many countries such as China,India and the United States.Such a GHS-F model is necessary from both scientific and operational perspectives,with the strength in providing spatially consistent flood definitions and spatially distributed flood risk classification considering the heterogeneity in vulnerability and resilience across the entire domain.Priorities in the development of such a GHS-F are suggested,emphasizing the user’s requirements and needs according to practical experiences with various flood response agencies.
公社向大队传送广播节目,一般采用单线高压传输。高压传输可以提高效率,但如出现短路故障,将造成扩音机过荷,喇叭电压降低,无法收听。如何迅速而准确地寻找短路点和及 Comm
【摘 要】本文在深入调查的基础上,指出中职学校语文学科生命教育的缺失及问题,如生命教育意识淡薄,生命教育学科渗透缺失,生命教育情感荒芜.着重阐述了生命教育的策略.如尊重关爱,努力营造生命教育的良好氛围;围绕教材,努力挖掘生命教育的丰富内涵;引导点拨,积极探索生命教育的深刻意义等。  【关键词】中职生;语文教学;生命教育  中职语文教学中的生命教育是指教师根据中职学校培养目标、学生实际,有目的、有
据Sun Y 2012年1月27日[Angew Chem Int Ed Engl,2012,51(5):1236-1239]报道,密歇根大学研究人员成功的研制了一个使用液体激光器更好监测轻微的基因突变的方法,这种方法能够
在四通路立体声广播的接收中,应用MSD型与MXY型两者基本频带的等价性,可以设计出一种通用的检波譯码电路,而其电路结构较目前已知的所有其他电路都簡单。 In the reception