蔡伦“发明”造纸术之谜的再探秘 上篇.造纸术的发明与发明时间的争论意见

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在造纸史学术界长期以来有一段学术公案,即:造纸术是蔡伦发明的吗?一派专家学者认为蔡伦不是造纸术发明家,而是改进者,而另一派专家学者则坚持应当肯定蔡伦造纸术发明家的历史地位。研究双方都持严谨态度,不同的是在思想方法、研究方法,如何分析得出结论方面存在差异。国家社科重大项目《中国宣纸传统制作技艺抢救性挖掘整理研究》首席专家、安徽财经大学教授曹天生,将把如何看待“发明”作为两派争论的的焦点和核心,再次探秘蔡伦“发明”造纸术之谜。本文也是国家社科重大项目《中国宣纸传统制作技艺抢救性挖掘整理研究》(10&Z D084)的中期研究成果,原标题为《造纸术发明的认识论意义》,本刊有所删减。曹教授的研究目的,是通过再次分析“蔡伦发明造纸术”的学术争论,来总结出纸史研究中所应运用的认识论和方法论,以帮助其更好地对中国宣纸的历史问题进行研究;而本刊刊发这篇研究成果,也并非是要再对“蔡伦发明造纸术”这一学术问题进行再次探讨,而是重在肯定本文对于造纸的学术研究的认识论和方法论带来的启示意义。 In the academic history of papermaking, there has been a long period of academic public murder, that is, papermaking was invented by Cai Lun. Some experts and scholars believe that Cai Lun is not an inventor of papermaking but an improvement, while other experts and scholars insist that Cai Lun Papermaking Inventor’s historical status. Both sides of the study hold a rigorous attitude, the difference is in the ways of thinking, research methods, how to analyze the conclusion of the differences. Cao Tiansheng, a chief expert and professor at Anhui University of Finance and Economics, a major project of the state social sciences major in the study of salvage and excavation of traditional Chinese rice papermaking techniques, will once again explore the key and core of the argument between the two schools about how to treat “invention ”Inventions“ paper mystery. This paper is also the mid-term research result of National Social Science Major Project ”Research on Rescue Mining Excavation of Traditional Chinese Rice Papermaking Techniques“ (10 & Z D084). The original title is ”Epistemological Significance of Papermaking Invention“. The purpose of Professor Cao’s research is to summarize the epistemology and methodology that should be applied in the study of paper history so as to help them better understand the historical issues of Chinese rice paper by re-analyzing the academic debate on Cai Lun’s invention of papermaking Research; and published in this publication of the research results, it is not necessary to ”Cai Lun invented papermaking," the academic issues again, but to reaffirm this paper academic research on the theory of knowledge and methodological band Revelation of significance.
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