Mobile-Customer Identity Recognition

来源 :武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydy448681577
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By utilizing artificial intelligence and pattern recognition techniques, we propose an integrated mobile-customer identity recognition approach in this paper, based on customer's behavior characteristics extracted from the customer information databas
问题 已知集合A={x,y}|x^2+mx-y+2=0|,B={x,y}|x-y+1=0|,且0≤x≤2,如果A∩B≠Ф,求实数m的取值范围?
题目 有个演示实验,在上下面都是金属板的玻璃盒内,放了许多用锡箔纸揉成的小球,当上下板间加上电压后,小球就上下不停地跳动。现取以下简化模型进行定量研究。
We address the problem of optimizing a distributed monitoring system and the goal of the optimization is to reduce the cost of deployment of the monitoring infr
1,判反应 判断两种溶液混合时,是否发生化学反应,这一步的主要目的是搞清楚溶液的真实组成,如果两种溶液混合后,有反应发生的,那就要根据题给的条件判断怎么反应、反应后生成了什么
A proxy signature scheme with message recovery using self-certified public key is proposed, which withstands public key substitution attacks, active attacks, an