
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqi789
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一、模式依据(一)构建依据。实施素质教育是我国当前教育改革的中心任务,是我国基础教育的主旋律。实施素质教育,就是全面贯彻党的教育方针,以提高国民素质为宗旨,以培养学生的创造精神和实践能力为重点。为了确保全体学生的整体素质的提高,作为素质教育的主渠道——课堂教学的改革势在必行。(二)理论依据。1.国家有关教育方针政策(1)党的十七大进一步确定了科教兴国的战略方针。(2)邓小平教育思想的精髓,即“三个面向”。教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。(3)《中国教育改革发展纲要》指出,我国中小学要由 First, the model basis (a) build the basis. The implementation of quality education is the central task of China’s current education reform and is the main theme of China’s basic education. To implement quality education is to fully implement the party’s education policy, aim at improving the quality of the people, and focus on cultivating students’ creative spirit and practical ability. In order to ensure the improvement of the overall quality of all students, as the main channel of quality education - the reform of classroom teaching is imperative. (b) Theoretical basis. 1. National policies and policies on education (1) The 17th CPC National Congress further defined the strategic policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. (2) The essence of Deng Xiaoping’s educational ideology, that is, “three aspects”. Education must face modernization, face the world, and face the future. (3) The “Outline for the Development of China’s Education Reform” pointed out that the primary and secondary schools in our country must be based on
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10月10日 晴  这几天我的心里颇不宁静。  几天前,我在自己家里玩电脑,看到最近有新的光盘在超市的光碟区有卖,每张35元,于是我就有了兴趣。  我打开我的零花钱盒,看看有多少钱!“呀!不会吧!才10元。”我惊奇地叫了起来,“不行,对!我可以向老妈借!”我开始有点兴奋了。  我兴冲冲地跑向楼下,见妈妈正在干活,我走过去问:“妈!能不能借点钱给我?”“你要多少?”妈妈严肃地问。我有点害怕,但还是说
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1  曾听人说,女人如果只有一个名牌手包,那还不如没有的好。因为旁人若不是见你手上一年半载雷打不动全是它,反倒不会看清你的捉襟见肘。  读书少的人也有同样的苦恼。所以见到两脚书柜般的职业读书者,我一般是选择闭嘴。否则,谈来谈去就是那几本,很容易露馅。还不如做个宁愿委屈自己的懂事太太,咬紧牙关淡淡说一句:“我不是很喜欢这些奢侈品牌。”  可惜,懂得这道理时,已经晚了。熟悉的朋友对我读过哪几位作家了如
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