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九届全国人大常委会第31次会议于2002年12月28日在京闭幕,会议通过了民办教育促进法、农业法修订案、草原法修订案、刑法修正案(四)4项立法和关于刑法第九章渎职罪主体适用问题的解释,并表决通过了一批重要决定。李鹏委员长主持了闭幕会。九届全国人大常委会组成人员139人出席会议。经全国人大常委会四审通过的民办教育促进法明确规定:民办学校在扣除办学成本、预留发展基金以及按照国家有关规定提取其他必要的费用后,出资人可以从办学结余中取得合理回报。民办教育促进法自2003年9月1日起实施。农业法修订案对促进农村富余劳动力转移、保证农产品安全、促进农业科技发展、发展农村合作医疗等问题作出了新的规定。法律修订案将于2003年3月1日起施行。草原法修订案增加了对合理利用草原方面的奖励,加强对在草原上开展经营性旅游活动的管理,禁止在草原上使用剧毒、高残留的农药等规定。法律修 The 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress ended in Beijing on December 28, 2002. The meeting approved 4 pieces of legislation including the Private Education Promotion Law, the Agricultural Law Amendment, the Grassland Law Amendment, and the Criminal Law Amendment (IV) Chapter Nine explains the application of the subject of dereliction of duty and has passed a number of important decisions. Chairman Li Peng presided over the closing ceremony. 139 members of the Ninth NPC Standing Committee attended the meeting. The Non-governmental Education Promotion Law, passed by the Fourth Instance of the NPC Standing Committee, clearly stipulates that after a private school deducts the cost of running a school, reserves development funds and other necessary expenses in accordance with relevant state regulations, the sponsor can obtain a reasonable return from the running school balance. The Law on Promoting Private Education came into force on September 1, 2003. The Amendment to the Agricultural Law sets new rules on promoting the transfer of rural surplus labor forces, ensuring the safety of agricultural products, promoting the development of agricultural science and technology, and developing rural cooperative medical care. The law amendment will come into effect on March 1, 2003. The amendments to the grassland law have added rewards for the rational use of grasslands, strengthened the management of operational tourism activities in the grasslands, and the prohibition of the use of highly toxic and high-residue pesticides on grasslands. Law repair
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