我参加配音语言艺术创造已有十几年了,记得有一次, 我和一位老同志一起配戏,这是一段震撼人心的感情重头 戏。这位老同志声情并茂,配得非常投入,我站在身旁听着, 不禁潸然泪下。然而,当再次监听的时候,发现配出来的声 音形象竟与画面上的人物形象不相贴,刚才感人肺腑
I’ve been in the dubbing language art creation for more than a decade, and remember once, I played with an old comrade. It was a highlight of a stirring feeling. The old comrades with excellent performance, very deserved investment, I stood beside me listening, can not help but shed tears. However, when listening again, it was found that the sound image that had been allocated was not attached to the characters on the screen.