人各有各的风采,人又各自在塑造自己的风采。在商业系统里,柳州市糖业烟酒公司经理王善恕,以他那过人的胆识和谋略,展示出一个社会主义商业企业家的新风采。 搞活企业 1984年,王善恕担任柳州市糖业烟酒公司经理的时候,遇到的艰难是相当多的。当时,公司主营香烟业务已交由烟草公司专卖,税利来源失去大半,库存又积压700多万元的滞销商品,加之经营被动,管理不完善,职工思想波动很大。面临如此严峻形势,王善恕深谋远虑,提出了“一个更新、三个转
Each has its own style, and each person is shaping his own style. In the business system, Liu Shanshu, manager of Liuzhou Sugar and Tobacco Company, demonstrated his new style of socialist business entrepreneurs with his extraordinary courage and strategy. Encouraging enterprises In 1984, when Wang Shanshu was the manager of Liuzhou Sugar and Tobacco Company, the difficulties encountered were quite numerous. At that time, the company’s main cigarette business had been handed over to tobacco companies for monopoly sales, and most of its tax and profit sources had been lost. Inventories also contained more than 7 million yuan in slow-moving goods, coupled with passive management, imperfect management, and fluctuating employee thinking. Faced with such a grim situation, Wang Shanhhu was far-sighted and proposed "an update, three turns