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新课程改革以来,开发课程资源受到了广大教育工作者的高度重视。开发课程资源能够更好地实现课程目标,调动学生学习的积极性,提高课堂效率,促进教师的专业成长。近年来,思想政治教师对高中政治实践活动资源开发越来越关注,就高中思想政治课实践活动资源内涵和开发的原则进行讨论。 Since the reform of the new curriculum, the development of curriculum resources has received great attention from the majority of educators. The development of curriculum resources to better achieve the goals of the curriculum to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, improve classroom efficiency and promote the professional growth of teachers. In recent years, the ideological and political teachers have paid more and more attention to the resources exploitation of political practice in high school, and have discussed the connotation and development principle of the practical activities of ideological and political lessons in high school.
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