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大豆的一生除受水分、阳光、土壤、温度等外界因素的影响之外,还受体内或人工施入的化学信息物质的调节控制。从广义的生产观点出发,凡利用化学手段,积极影响和改变作物体内代谢活动的措施,均可称之为“化学控制”。生产实践证明,它是一种应用范围广、成本低、收益大、操作简便的先进农业技术,可以按照人们的预定目的,调控大豆的生长发育,达到高产优质的目的。现就近年来国内外有关大豆化学控制中主要 In addition to the life of soybeans by the moisture, sunlight, soil, temperature and other external factors, but also by the body or man-made chemical information material regulation and control. From a broad production point of view, any measures that use chemical means to positively affect and alter metabolic activity in a crop can be referred to as “chemical control.” Production practice proves that it is a kind of advanced agricultural technology with wide range of application, low cost, large benefit and easy operation. It can regulate the growth and development of soybean in accordance with the intended purpose of people and achieve the goal of high yield and good quality. Now in recent years, the main chemical control of soybean at home and abroad
之前,我并不看好他。他太虚夸,而且带着“80后”的那种放浪,何况,他辜负了我喜欢的一个女子。  可是那天,他感动了我。  他是谢霆锋,一个正如日中天的歌手、演员。之前,我并不喜欢他,因为他看起来有几分轻浮,甚至带着几分浪子的放荡。  可看完那个访谈,我知道,他,应该如此成功。  17岁,他出道,为替父亲还债,开始自己的演艺生涯。第一部片子,古惑仔系列,他和300多人打打杀杀,因为太过入戏,他不小心
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