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很多人认为,西红柿属于低嘌呤碱性食物,有助于预防痛风。然而,据《印度时报》8月20日报道,《英国医学委员会·肌肉骨骼疾病》杂志刊登新西兰1项新研究进一步证实,痛风患者吃西红柿真的会诱使痛风发作,导致疼痛难忍。在诱发痛风的食物排名中,西红柿位居第4,仅次于海鲜、酒水和红肉。在确定西红柿为痛风诱发食物之后,研究人员又分析了美国3项长期研究涉及的12720名男女参试者的相关数据。结果表明,吃西红柿会导致血液尿酸水平升高,其尿酸升高幅度与其他诱发痛风的食物相差无几。弗林博士强调,痛风患者预防痛风发作 Many people think that tomatoes are low-purine alkaline foods that help prevent gout. However, according to The Times of India, August 20, a new study published in the British Medical Council on Musculoskeletal Disorders in New Zealand further confirms that gout patients eating tomatoes will really induce gout attacks, resulting in unpleasant pain. In gout-induced food rankings, tomatoes rank fourth, behind seafood, wine and red meat. After identifying tomatoes as gout-induced foods, the researchers analyzed data from 12,220 men and women involved in three long-term studies in the United States. The results show that eating tomatoes will lead to elevated blood levels of uric acid, uric acid and other gout induced by the food is almost the same. Dr. Flynn emphasizes that gout patients prevent gout attacks
本文分析了当今高师声乐教育存在的问题,指出在整个教学过程中应始终突出师范性教育。为了突出师范性教育,培养出合格的教学人才,应从教学模式和教学内容两方面进行改进。 T
The title compound, cyclooctadienyl potassium tetrahydrofuranate was prepared by the reaction of cycloocta-1,5-diene with metallic potassium in tetrahydrof u-r
A simple,rapid,sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developedfor the determination of platimum in solution.The chromogenic reagent,5-(4-nitrophenylazo)