有进有退 改制重组——无锡市大力推进企业产权结构调整

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近年来,无锡市按照“有进有退,有所为有所不为”的原则,对国有资本实施战略性重组,在确保国有资产不流失、银行债务不逃废、职工能妥善安置的前提下,加快中小企业产权制度改革,将国有资本从中置换出来,截止2000年底,全市已有90%的中小企业完成改制。无锡是我国民族工业的发源地之一。建国后,特别是改革开放以来,国有经济呈现持续、快速增长势头,在全市经济发展中发挥着主导作用。但由于机制、体制、市场等多方面因素的影响,国有经济、国有企业长期积累的一些深层次问题日益成为经济发展的阻碍,主要表现为: 一是国有资本布局不合理。截止1999年底,无锡市经营性国有资产总量已达123.1亿元,成为支撑、引导全市经济社会发展的重要基础。但从结构上看,国有资产布局不尽合理,80%的国有资本分布于一般竞争性行业,在高新技术、支柱行业进 In recent years, Wuxi has implemented the strategic reorganization of state-owned capital in accordance with the principle of “advance and retreat, and do something for others”, ensuring that state-owned assets are not lost, bank debt is not discarded, and that workers are properly placed Under the premise of accelerating the reform of the property rights system for small and medium-sized enterprises and replacing them with state-owned capital. By the end of 2000, 90% of the SMEs in the city had completed the restructuring. Wuxi is one of the cradles of our national industry. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, the state-owned economy has shown sustained and rapid growth and has played a leading role in the economic development of the city. However, some deep-seated problems accumulated by the state-owned economy and the state-owned enterprises have increasingly become impediments to economic development due to the influence of various factors such as the mechanism, the system and the market. The main problems are as follows: First, the state-owned capital layout is unreasonable. By the end of 1999, total operating state-owned assets in Wuxi had reached 12.31 billion yuan, becoming an important foundation for supporting and guiding the city's economic and social development. However, from the structural point of view, the state-owned assets layout is not reasonable, 80% of the state-owned capital is located in the general competitive industries, in high-tech and pillar industries
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