基于感知风险的移动支付用户使用行为研究——以Apple Pay为例

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随着移动通讯设备的普及和移动商务的迅速发展,移动支付作为一种新型支付方式,具有方便、快捷等优势,在中国逐渐受到广大用户的亲睐。因此,有必要全面研究影响中国消费者使用移动支付的因素。虽然移动支付价值链涉及到多个利益主体,并且使用环境相当复杂;但总的来说,影响消费者使用移动支付的因素主要是风险因素。因此,本文将重点研究影响消费者使用移动支付的感知风险因素。本文从微观角度出发,本文首先对感知风险的概念和构面、移动支付分类和发展现状等相关理论进行分析、归纳和总结,提出在移动支付使用过程中主要存在八类风险,结合前人的研究,提出了相应的研究假设,构建了基于感知风险的移动支付使用行为模型。其中,研究主要以问卷调查方式进行,采用路径分析对数据进行了统计分析。研究的主要发现是:影响消费者使用移动支付的主要感知风险分别是感知技术风险、感知经济风险、感知法律风险。 With the popularization of mobile communication equipment and the rapid development of mobile commerce, mobile payment, as a new payment method, has the advantages of convenience, quickness and so on and is gradually favored by the majority of users in China. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the factors that affect the use of mobile payments by Chinese consumers. Although the mobile payment value chain involves multiple stakeholders, and the use of the environment is quite complex; but in general, the factors that affect consumers to use mobile payments are mainly risk factors. Therefore, this article will focus on the perceived risk factors that affect consumers’ use of mobile payments. This article from the microscopic point of view, this paper first analyzes the concept and facets of perceived risk, classification and development of mobile payment status and other related theories, summarized and concluded that there are eight main risks in the use of mobile payment, combined with previous Research, put forward the corresponding research hypothesis, build a mobile payment behavior model based on perceived risk. Among them, the research is mainly conducted in the form of questionnaire survey, and the path analysis is used for statistical analysis of the data. The main findings of this study are as follows: The main perceived risks that affect consumers’ use of mobile payment are perceived technical risk, perceived economic risk and perceived legal risk respectively.
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