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华电青岛发电有限公司(以下简称华电青岛公司)始建于1935年,从最初一个小型发电所不断发展扩建,至今成为装机总容量为1260MW,集发电和供热为一体的特大型热电联产企业,实现了一个老厂、小厂向现代化企业的过渡。华电青岛公司在迅速扩大发展的同时,始终把安全生产作为企业生存发展的第一要务和永恒主题,将文化导入作为管理手段,丰富载体,健全机制,不断消化、融合、改造、吸收企业多年的文化积淀,以构筑“人身、设备、环境”和谐统一的本质安 Huadian Qingdao Power Generation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huadian Qingdao Company) was founded in 1935 and has been continuously expanding since the first small-scale power generation. It has become a large-scale combined heat and power company with a total installed capacity of 1260MW and a combination of power generation and heating , To achieve an old factory, a small factory to the transition of modern enterprises. Huadian Qingdao Company, while rapidly expanding its development, has always regarded safety in production as the top priority and eternal theme for the survival and development of the enterprise. By introducing culture as a management tool, Huadian Qingdao Company has enriched the carrier and perfected the mechanism to continuously digest, fuse, transform and absorb the business for many years Cultural accumulation, in order to build “the person, equipment, environment,” the essence of harmony and unity
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亚历山大·普希金是十九世纪俄国伟大的文学家,由于他在诗歌创作上取得的光辉成就,因而也被誉为“诗歌的太阳”。 Alexander Pushkin was a great Russian writer of the ni
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教育科研的实质就是对教育领域未知的问题做出解答。因此,进行教育科研的第一个环节就是确定科研课题。教育科研课题是一个有待于解决、验证或回答的问题。 一、科研课题的