
来源 :电机与控制学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubear
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针对卫星转动部件周期运动对姿态控制精确度产生的不利影响,通过补偿飞轮来抵消转动部件运动所引入的干扰。利用重复控制能够高精确度地完成周期信号跟踪或抑制周期性扰动的优点,在原有PID控制器基础上引入重复控制来提高补偿飞轮的角位置跟踪精确度。同时重复控制还可以抑制转动部件摩擦力矩引起的跟踪误差,进一步改善补偿系统的补偿效果。给出有效载荷的运动特性并依据Karnopp摩擦模型进行摩擦力矩分析。仿真部分给出补偿方案的仿真验证,仿真结果表明引入重复控制对补偿精确度的提高有很大贡献,能够抵消99%的角动量干扰。 Aiming at the adverse effect of periodic motion of satellite rotating components on the accuracy of attitude control, the interference caused by the movement of rotating components is offset by compensating the flywheel. The advantage of repetitive control is that the periodic signal tracking can be completed with high accuracy and the periodic disturbance can be suppressed. The repetitive control is introduced on the basis of the original PID controller to improve the angular tracking accuracy of the compensating flywheel. At the same time, repeated control can also restrain the tracking error caused by the friction torque of rotating parts and further improve the compensation effect of the compensation system. The dynamic characteristics of the payload are given and the friction torque analysis based on the Karnopp friction model is carried out. The simulation part gives the simulation verification of the compensation scheme. The simulation results show that the introduction of repetitive control greatly contributes to the improvement of the compensation accuracy and can offset 99% of the angular momentum disturbance.
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急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)是机体遭受严重感染、创伤、休克、以及有害气体吸入等多种因素打击后,出现弥漫性肺泡-毛细血管膜损伤所致肺
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